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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

I Want Back My Simple Life

looking back and letting go of the past...

As you move forward in life, you reminisce your past 

When you were struggling to put meals on the table, worries find no place in your mind

Anxieties, depression, disorientation and unhappiness fill an idle mind, causing imbalances

When you are struggling to make ends meet, wondering where the next meal is coming from, you'd need to scrap the bottom to find solutions to fill your stomach; the rest are irrelevant

Now that I have ample time to look back, the best times were actually the struggling days; finding food, getting through the day by doing your best without thoughts of the 'expected' rewards

Come whatever may; I made it through the day ~ blessed by GOD's grace

HE never fail to reward me for my efforts, however, small ...  at least, I will have enough to see myself through the day

After a hard day, the physically drained body leaves no room for regrets - every seconds of rest counts

There was a period of time where I worked, studied, stretched the little money I have, sleep for 3-4 hours a day yet find time to exercise and keep fit - some opined that I was 'super' but I was simply normal. I don't want to be super but  normal

I bite the bullet and never complains & channeled my energies to my goal - quietly, slowly but surely - the goal to survive, then make enough & finally 'prosper'

LUCK is when preparation meets opportunity天时地利人和 还要好运

It is so easy to enjoy success and time simply flies

When misfortune hits, time crawl - seconds were like hours

Frankly, there is NO need to share your sorrows; nobody really cares

You'd need to walk through the baptism of fire 苦中作乐 No empathy can relieve you of your pains

The world loves a winner - always show the world your positive side even if you're crumbling

The world will never be fair - it is said to be "fair' to appease the weaker ones

Always take the middle path 以和为贵

When you fight, or need to fight, always fight to win - if you can't beat him [Knock-Out] decisively, he will come back to haunt you

Sometimes, I want to eat plain porridge with a few simple dishes by the roadside stall, step aside for a small beer, enjoy small talks,  laughs heartily and disappear into the crowds

In my simpler days, I used to cycle or walk to the beach alone, sit by the wavebreaker, read newspapers and sip beers under the hot sun

I love walking in the rain where my heavy heart and worries are washed away and nobody notice my tears & my heart lightens thereafter 男人哭吧哭吧不是罪

I guess it would not be long before I walk back in life - the simple life

I am spending more time to keep fit, stay healthy and be alone ... Alone is not loneliness

I will endeavor to forgive and forget -  forgive myself and forget my worries - as I seek clarity of humanity

I'm walking into the Arms of God to seek comfort & relief

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Expect The Unexpected; Markets Reward The Brave & Prepared

try, and you will find out...

Social & environmental 

There is a trend or a pattern in everything you do

The outliers will act beyond the given trend

The cosmic power is changing constantly and realignment and manifestation are norms

You need not outshine others in everything you do but you need to do it differently to achieve the desired results as the environment changes

Being stubborn, procrastination and being unyielding are negative (determination) whereas perseverance is positive. The former are emotional responses to a given situation whereas the latter is based on facts

As much as you detest and protest unpopular policies, they are there for certain purposes. If you wanna participate, you have to oblige the rules, not unlike you can only use legs for soccer and hands for basketball

Economy & the rich-poor gap

For the last 20 years or so, the gap between the rich and poor widens. Globally, the highest wealth rung controls $208.3 trillion in wealth, or 45.8% of the global total which is just 1.1% of the world adult population

In the last many years, improvement in productivity in Singapore has been minimal to nil with the heavy reliance of imported, unskilled foreign workers and the higher unemployed and underemployed local PMETs due to the loose labor policies which allowed many foreigners, even armed with unknown & ungraded Unis certs, to squad in Singapore to look for jobs. GDP growth were unimpressive  

It is hateful to hear the leaders saying "Singapore do not have talents!" If Singaporeans are not given a chance to gainful employment, how would they ever be trained, let alone flourish into talents in their respective fields

Before 1997 HK-handover, many HKers were offered jobs and PRs in Singapore. Many came, made their fortunes, climbed the corp ladder but within 10 years or so,   most went back to HK or migrated to greener pastures and leaving Singapore to hollow-out...

The non - transparency, accountability and  'ownself check ownself' policies have created  a breach of efficiency and eroded the  effectiveness that were once the proud trademark of Singapore's systems

2024 is a dynamic year and we are in the last quarter ~ Oct/Nov/Dec ~ the speed of change will accelerate and manifest 

As the environment synchronize while the elements clashes, expect the unexpected - the more volatile, the more uncertainty, the greater the impact

Gossipy Stock Markets

In early Sep, 2024, in my blog, I opined that the western financial markets [DJIA, NASDAQ, S&P500] have been rising for the last 4-5years and chances of rebound to continue the uptrend is still alive but the eastern markets of China/HK had declined during the same period. On valuation, the East is cheaper and the smart money will follow the smell of cheaper valuation. [I have been more affirmative about the East after April, 2024 ~ in earlier blogs]

The last 8 days of rebound in China/HK markets were exponential & impactful

A word of caution:

Following the China/HK stock markets rebound in the last 8 days[exceeding the recent year highs], the East/West [DJIA, S&P500 & Nasdaq] capital markets are moving in sync. 

Typically, when the markets move in sync, the next directional change will likely to be together and more impactful.         

October/November are cyclically more volatile & traders' profits and losses are crystallize in this period; the trials and tribulations are experienced

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Stay Above [The] Turbulence

whatever doesn't matter, doesn't hurt...

Opportunists appear any time when there is a chance to capitalize

Pessimists see every opportunities as possible failures and traps

Optimists exploit every opportunities, big & small, risk or riskless - don't try, never know

Opportunities is another word to anyone who's not interested; it doesn't matters and it will not hurt

Luck is where preparation meets opportunity - you can't be lucky if you cannot handle what is given to you

A fool and his money will soon part

Every thing is promising until delivered ~ action speaks louder than words

NIMBY - Not In My BackYard - is the most commonly demonstrated behavior nowadays as selfish, greed and indifference kill empathy & care

一种米养百种人 Being a habitual creature, we are in a hurry everyday - rushing to fulfill our works, goals, going from place to place & meeting expectations without asking "what am I trying to achieve?" It is nice to be reminded that "everyone's requests is urgent, especially voices from your 'bosses'. 

Try saying "NO" to timeline/dateline ~ not all need immediate attention

When you are sick, immobilized, of no-more use [not useful] or too old, the world moves on without you; your life shattered as you thought you mattered and are indispensable

Jim Carrey defined "SAD" as being unhappy at that moment & "DEPRESSION" is "Fxxx it! I have enough of the character & role that I have played & expected to play & I want out!" You cannot be or try to be what you are not... your Soul & mental faculty will collapse. Once, you're out, you recover...

You begin recovering because whatever happens doesn't matter anymore. You are just YOU 

Winners, champions, stars ... all successes come with higher demands and expectations

If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen

We are all made different and have specific role during our lifetime 人生本来就是一场戏

Fortunes favor the brave, the prepared and who are ready

From Sep 11th - 30th, the HangSeng Index rose from under 18,000 to above 21,000; 3000 points [>17%]. Anyone who was involved gained substantially but, for the many, who aren't involved, it has no relevance. Many want to make money but few are willing to do their homework

Bees will always be found around flowers as flies will roost in piles of shit 

Nobody needs to envy others

Do your research, understand your environment and be selective in your application - 钱用在刀口上

Every industry is a 'gold mine' in itself; there will be a few stars as some will collapse due to inability to change expeditiously and operate without niche knowledge & understanding

We are all born unique and have a designated role to play

Role play cannot exist perpetually as time changes the environment; their roles evolve and change too 

Be happy, stay healthy

Nothing is permanent and life is finite

It is October - the last quarter of the year is here

Have you achieved whatever you set early in the year like your "New Year Resolution"? Most do not ...

人生是一个过程 但结果比过程重要 世上没有后悔药

Live your best and leave the rest

Whatever doesn't concern you, it doesn't matter

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Everyone Has A Story To Tell

life's a journey...

I have the benefit of learning from others about their past, successes & failures aside. The following were their 'journeys' before they arrived at where they are today - successful and their unexpected achievements

"A" was a successful sales person and at age 33yo, his boss decided to send him to sell and expand to the African continent. He took the challenge and went and managed to open the market and thrives within 4years. His first stop was Ghana

He was a straight cut, goodie salesperson and had the fortune to deal with the Ghana King, whose daughter, aged 18yo, fell for him. By his 2nd-year, his sales was the aggregate of the last 5years numbers. Her pursuit was so intense that even the King suggested that he should marry and make expanding the African markets his hallmark. The catch is, in his words "he couldn't accept a 'chocolate' as his wife [please - do not read racist nor xenophobia]"

Today, at 73yo, he is healthy and a successful businessman, selling into the world markets, safely settled in Taiwan. He could have been a Prince

"B", at mid-20s, was the average local and started working after "O" levels. He wanted a job that can make lots of money; A tall order indeed! He started as a rookie and dived deep into the capital markets; learning the technical skills, grabbing fundamental understanding, ingesting and balancing geopolitical issues, honed his EQ/Emotional Quotient & AQ/Adversity Quotient, developed his network zealously through sincerity, diligence and grit and also studied and collected duly recognized tertiary papers. He is simply focused

He made his first $1,000,000 by 30s and today, he lives happily but frugally; the rest is history 

"C", with little education, started as a 'bodyguard' for an 'up & rising' property developer, who also owns a finance company. His brute honesty and loyalty earns him brownies points and his boss guide him to become a contractor for his projects. He learnt the ropes fast and deliver stirling & timely finishing. He continued to build for his Boss, but at the same time, evolve to become a developer. When his Boss reputation and integrity were threatened, he dutifully went undercover to investigate and collected enough evidences to save his Boss. His loyalty is unquestioned

A from"rags to riches" story where undivided loyalty rewards

Today, in his 80s, he owns a listed company, several hotels and properties and live luxuriously with assets nearer a billion $$s. Oh! after passing 80yo, heard he bought a Ferrari; money do buy lots of things

I can go on writing but the success factors are integrity, honesty, loyalty and enthusiasm; giving up is not a choice. Betrayals will not be tolerated as some will sell out his friend for a few pennies

Success never go to traitors

Can you change your life命可以改吗?    

YES, Yes, you to some extent you can change your life  

Do you have the skill sets or the qualifications? If not, give yourself the chance to be trained and empowered - you can train to be an engineer, chef, artist, doctor... whatever

Are you able to lower yourself down to the lowest level to start with? Everyone starts from somewhere你说你被利用 但如果你连利用的价值都没 那就等于你没用 Have grit, 'bite the bullet' & prove that you are the best; someday, someone will recognize your capabilities and usefulness

If nothing else, do you have the guts. Who Dares Win and the world loves a winner

Your life is in your own hands - when you change, the world changes with you

If you never think you are wrong or feel that there is nothing to change, you will remain

Great Man, nobles and commoners walk through life not knowing what will the future bring but everyone has a story to tell...

Either they failed badly and turn around or they were born with golden spoons but lost their fortunes

Who would have thought a farmer (Jimmy Carter) or an actor (Ronald Reagan) can be the President of USA 

What you see and read in autobiography are already sanitized - if you truly wants to know the real person, their trials and tribulations, you need to go to the ground to investigate and ask and you will discover that the critical ingredient for any success is LUCK 

Success comes when天时地利人和 还要有好运

Just do your best and leave the rest [to GOD]

Have faith, HE will deliver

Sunday, September 8, 2024

StockMarket - 3Q~4Q Crystall Balling

 the uneasy comfort of the capital markets...

When there were free flow of goods and services, the world grow steadily and many countries benefited. The setting up of WTO, TPP, RCEP, BRICS and other inter- and intra- regional groups were meant to ease & encourage global trades... but, protectionism, embargo and trade restrictions quickly suffocate and "time-out" many economies  

Some simply stay in their Group(ing)s and milk their hosts. If EU (27 countries) were to break-up today, many of them cannot survive the next 5 years    

The USA is the biggest culprit in printing money, not backed by any precious metals or fiduciaries, to fund its expenditures and global adventurism

The strength of the US$ is backed by next to nothing, save for being a well-armed nation

The FED is a 'private' institution

The two WWs were triggered by their desire/want to dominate controls of resources and economies

Cyclical movements and reactions are the reflections of the aggregate of psychological response to a given situation

Why are there a "4years", "10years", "60years" cycles? Generally, every 4-5 years there is an election (political changes).  Every 10 years or so, a person move onto his next stage of life. Example, 10years schooling, then joins the workforce after graduation (20years), career development and around 50-60yo, retires.

Index                52Week(Hi/Lo)         Current

DJIA                 41,585/32,327            40,345

S&P500            5,669/4,103                5,408

Nasdaq             18,671/12,543            16,690

Nikkei 225       42,426/30,235             36,391

HSI                   19,706/14,794            17,444

STI                   3,509/3,041                 3,454

FTSE                8,474/7,279                8,181

FTSE Bursa     1,684/1,412                1,653

Gold(US$)       2,559/1,809                2,526

CrudeOil(US$) 95/67                         68

Bitcoin(US$)    73,759/24,952           54,204

The chart above is other's work & due credit should be given to the Author        

Year 2024

The 4-year cycle is a near perfect reflection of market Highs/Lows as mass psychology are captured and reflected. When this short-term cycle coincides with the longer 10years and 60years cycles, the impact is greater, yet forceful. All, if not most, of the markets saw a 4year cyclical low in 2020 before recovering 

Expect (stock) markets to see a cyclical low anytime soon, especially the West [has been on the rise for the last 5years] whereas the East (using China/HK as a barometer) has been declining. Japan will be affected likewise. Will there be a shift of smart monies from the West to the East? 

Technically, yes. The East valuation (PEs) is cheaper compared with the West but trade sanctions, embargo and limping FDI/investment will impede substantial recovery

Expect intense volatility ahead - markets reward the brave but penalize the reckless. Everyone wants to make money but few do their homework

Money, smart money and fiat money, [government-issued currency that is not backed by physical commodity eg, gold, but the issuing government] need to find safe heaven to grow and hedge against depreciation; where else is better than the capital/stock markets. Investment in commodities markets is an ideal alternative.

Investing in stock markets is as safe as when there is no war, social unrest and political uncertainty.

Until the valuation is adequately adjusted in the overpriced markets, you have a choice of investing in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, HK(proxy for China), Taiwan, Singapore and India

It is wise to take some money off the market in this counter-trend rebound and await an impactful sudden downswing. [Short sellers stay short but with tight stops]. What if the market continues it's uptrend? Well, nobody goes broke by taking profits

I am not a doomsday sayer and neither am I a blind bull; trade at your own risks


Monday, September 2, 2024

Trap And Entrap

an unsettled mind is hyperactive...

Whoever says that everyone is entitled to success

Who can ever promise that you will get whatever you want and wish for just because you worked hard for it 

Nothing is promised ~ even your renowned Master and fortune tellers cannot be sure

Why get bottled up and worked up over something that nobody can assure you

Seek peace with yourself and GOD, for HE shall deliver

Trust that the paths forward are paved and ideal for you... be patient

Do your best & leave the rest

Read and learn more, upskill and upgrade and be EQ, AQ & CQ ready - EQ: Emotional Quotient smart AQ: Adaptability Quotient: One's ability to adapt to changes. CQ: Curiosity Quotient: Curiosity and open-mindedness

Fight or flight is only a letter different but always fight to win and flight to survive

Walk away when it gets hot under the collar

The persistent negativity is a norm in human affairs in any decent society; root out one and another pop up. Be resolute against negatives 

Positive energy eliminate and minimize the negatives 

Do not press ahead when you are weak and not ready. Confidence alone cannot win if the foundation is unstable and inadequate

Be optimistic and positive but be aware of your own weaknesses and unpreparedness

A restless person makes the journey more dangerous and prone to failures due to impatience and misjudgement

Knots are to be untangled, not cut

Not every journey can be completed in one breath 

In a world of more than 8bil people, only over 190 sprinters have run faster than 10 seconds since 1968 when Jim Hines broke the sub-10 barrier and won the 1968 Summer Olympics

When fires and water interplay, the situation is blurred and grueling and the final result is reconstruction and restoration ~ nothing will be the same again

Only brutal truths and consistency can shield one from negativity 

Ideally, live the life of a pig; eat your fill, drink enough, rest well, sleep soundly and dream exotically

Tomorrow is never promised and the next stop could be the abattoir

There are no leftovers of a pig. Much is consumed and it's a base for medicines manufacturing

Live well today and every moment ~ day in, day out

Your dreams and aspirations will materialize so long as you live to harvest... a dead Man has no dreams

The trapped mind that's mired in worries, unfulfilled goals and broken dreams will end up sick... very sick indeed. Sleep your worries away or leave your worries in your dreams; wake up without it

Without good health, nothing can be achieved

A healthy person is almost free from sicknesses

For whatever come may, the positively strong mind weaned off negativity 

We can hope and pray for a better future but if you cannot live well and happy today, whatever tomorrow bring will not satisfy you; you are caught in the circular wave of disenfranchisement

Make hay when the sun shines as you will make lemonade out of lemons

Get away from noises and unnecessary disruptions that drown your tempo

If there is nothing better to do, do nothing

 It is knowledge and wisdom, not age, that builds characters 


You are born free, so remains free


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Make Peace With Yourself

peace comes with a price...

I love to be alone, to reflect and to meditate

Alone is not loneliness and it's neither void

When the sea ends, land resumes

There is opportunity, hope and healing ~ just be patient, acceptable to changes and have empathy 

Nobody is a loser neither a 'born loser'; you maybe born poor but you need not die a pauper

Through GOD, there is Hope

Even the atheist may seek a glimpse (ray) of hope when his life's near 'the end'; hoping it would not end

People speak loosely about wars and warmongering, conveniently forgetting the potential of agony, suffering, destruction, damages and lost of lives

Reconstruction and repairs cannot heal the emotional damage, destruction and dented souls; the hate will be deeply ingrained and remembered

In today's MAD [Mutual Assured Destruction],  mad world - a war will likely end all wars with nukes flying around

Nobody, NOBODY, no country... will surrender and be defeated if he has nuclear weapons without firing any of them to 'seek equality in sufferings'

Peace begets prosperity, wars give destruction

The rich will have to eat money if the poor do not sell their food supplies to them; the rich cannot live in  a sea of poor

We should consciously reject all negative vibes and vigorously embrace the positives

In turbulence and uncertainty, remain calm

Watch, observe, stay off the line of live firings and stay indoor until the ill winds blow over

When all's burnt to the ground, a new lease begins with ... hope, reconstruction and repairs

It's darkest before dawn (breaks) 在黎明之前是最黑暗的

Make peace with everyone; like the mother's love that never fades

Whether you are 1yo or 99yo, you will always be the baby in your mother's eyes

Never let gossips, half-truths, accusations and ostracism dent your spirit and determination

Be truthful, knows your limits and build a steely grit and take all challenges as a flow; everything come and go

No matter what(ever) may go wrong, a wholesome, united family stands steadfastly together will tame the challenges

GOD is the defender & definitor  

Money and the fool will soon part

The western markets [DJIA, S&P500, NASDAQ] have been enjoying a good bull run for the past 5years whereas the eastern markets [HK/China] were bear whipped for the same period

Will the overvalued West be undermined by the cheaper East? It is "yes" and when...

 Smart monies are never loyal but sniff and seek better & safer haven somewhere when opportune arise

钱不是万能 但没钱万万不能

Money can and do buy peace

The world produces more than enough food to feed everyone & if the wealthy don't hoard food, there will be no poverty

Wars and warmongering are the works of the wealthy, owners of military complexes and hawkish politicians seeking personal vanity and gains

The world will be destroyed by the Greed, the Envious and the Schemer ~ politicians backed by evil monies are a "time-bomb" 

Belief in GOD and trust yourself; nobody will shed a tear for you when you pass on, save for your immediate family

Everything that were yours will be thrown and disposed off except for your money and assets, if any

Enjoy every moment now, for tomorrow is never promised

Sunday, August 11, 2024

I Am The Catalyst: Every Gloom Has Its Sparks

be the light upon oneself ...

When your parents are wealthy, powerful, famous and established, use their network to manifest your career and business

When your parents are working class and commoners, academic excellence and doing businesses are the easiest ladders to climb the social ladder

Not everyone is cut up to do business but everyone can glide up the social ladder by/via EQ, IQ and AQ [adversity quotient]

When the going is tough, the tough keeps going

Live best when others live worse

Nobody cares if you are down, unwell or 'hit the rocks' & there is no point sharing your sufferings with anyone as 80% do not care and 20% are happy that you are in a quagmire

Sticks and stones break bones but not words; ignore the criticisms, gossips and heresays

Nobody gets hurt for ignoring the negative vibes

Lie low when your chips are low and never swim against the tides ~ the rules of Survival is to go with the flows

When money speaks, nobody checks the grammar; money buy most things

Everyone works hard and fights for the best returns and rewards

Nobody is a weakling ~ the birds eat the ants and when the bird dies, the ants feast on its body

Be yourself and defend with patience that the/all failures will pass - the steadfastness of character and truths will overcome all challenges

When you are tired, rest but don't quit... every tiny step is a walk in the park

I am the light onto myself; the lighthouse that brightens when I am down but not out

I have avoided the unnecessary publicity and uncalled & baseless criticisms which undermine me

I shall go with the flow and return a better self

Like the Eagle and the Trout, fly high to get a clear picture and swim upstream to spawn - take the journey that few dare

On the wider perspective, many are telling me that 'time is tough, the going is rough, it's doom & gloom', & asked "what will tomorrow bring?" When everybody is drowned in sorrows, then "it is fine" because you are not alone in this tough environment

Life is cruising at norm

Rough weather shalt pass too

Let us be consistent; keep the smiles and grit for GOD will deliver

Some say tomorrow will be better but I live best & to the fullest today

In GOD I trust... I am the driver and HE is my GPS

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Trust NO One

Nothing can heal & compensate for emotional hurts except to ignore...

Workers work for remuneration while the Management works to control and for rewards

Politicians work for power, status and money ... & control

Some suggest that "so long you get what you want, take & walk" as different strata in Society demand  satisfaction differently

Yes; so long as you can 'stomach' the hurts and losses, take and walk away... what if you can't? Ignore the pains and walk away

Fight to win ~ you only fight back if the chances of winning is high(er); never be the sacrificial lamb

Live to fight another day

Hurts heal over time and losses can be made back if only you live healthily and await your time

Chance must be managed & not taken recklessly 

Believe in & accept Karma 因果 - 种因得果 It is not unlike "everything happens for a reason"

In most religious teachings, you are told to accept things that you cannot change and everything happens for the better

This is not to say "remain a weakling and never fight back!" It is a reminder to learn from the setback, train & upskill, and be alerted not to foolishly do the same thing again

Most live less than 36,500 days but all die only once ... never live the life of a coward

You may be born poor but do not die a pauper - nothing is permanent

Nothing is guaranteed nor certain, even failures

Life, like sunrise and sunset, it's normal; the rest, only time can tell & change is the only constant

Rooted too tightly and grand like the old, oak tree but couldn't withstand the onslaught of the winds and storm whereas the blade of grass dance merrily in the breeze

Never take advantage of the less able and less well off; give a helping hand if you can 

Never assume someone that who didn't respond or return a favor is bad as he could in worse dire straits than you are aware of 

BUT, move away those that had bitten your hands after you had helped them -  avoid them like a plague - they are parasites ever ready to 'milk you dry'

Be smart, do good but ... watch out who you wanna help

Unrepentant, serial liars, traitors, substance abusers, violent persons, demanding and unappreciative persons do not deserve any help.

Everyone deserves something, punishments included

Help only if you can and are willing & expect nothing

Trust GOD, most others have failings 



Thursday, July 25, 2024

My Time Is Limited

nothing can predict and anticipate the future...

For someone who has not suffered any serious illness before, the first attack is both unbelievable and unsettling

GOD  has a way to stop any mortal on his tracks; HE served the second attack, followed by a third

You call this a trial or a warning; I don't know

Medical issues must be handled by the medical specialists; no amount of detest and "why me" nor superstitions help. Stay calm, seek medical professionals opinions and second opinions, then choose your course of action

Getting well again is the key; takes time though

Patient... be very patient and let it heal and trust GOD ~ HE stops you from racing blindly towards the end. You are not needed yet

No matter how fast you race ahead, clearing all obstacles & ignore wiser advice, HE will stop you with HIS ways [methods]

I had my share

No regrets but accept ~ nobody can swim against the tides

I am grateful for my renewed health but this also makes me 'more mortal'

活在当下  不求天长地久  只要潇洒过一生

When your health deteriorates or there is a sudden attack, it is a clear signal to "slow down, relax, rejuvenates, repairs and let your physical body reboot"   

There is a need to fine tune and rebalance the mind and your physique

Problems do not go away but manifest 

Circumstances may change to ease the obstacles & restore a balance ... sometimes, called "LUCK"

BUT, but... few are endowed with blessings of abundant luck

Almost everyone needs to manage and overcome the consequences to become better ~ there is 'no free lunch'

Walk away from unnecessary troubles, gossips, conflicts, hearsays and irrelevance 

Tomorrow will be better

Stay healthy, happy and be cheerful; tomorrow is never promised

有个平常心  过一天赚一天

Everyone at every ages make wishes & prays that the GOD will grant readily; me too

But, now my wish is to "stay healthy, happy and ignore the irrelevance of disruptive noises"

I can plan, I will work towards my goals but I have also accept that whatever comes is a bonus without which I loss nothing

I am trying to leave bondage and cultivate wisdom

The material well being is good to have but not in excess

无为无不为 I am not giving up but I will go with the flows


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Some Day Soon, Everyone Will Be History

after I walked past, I may not return...

The trials and tribulations are passing moments ~ be patient, let go and be relieved of burden of hates and regrets

Today's gains maybe tomorrow's losses; you may win an argument but you loss the relationship

Never win a battle to loss the war

Home is not a place for reason(ings) but plentiful of 'gives and takes'. At most times, you give & the rest take 

Resentment, envy and hates are toxins that cannot be ignored but need to be neutralized

Fight against negative and you receive more negatives; fighting fire with fires is possible if you are prepared for colossal destruction

面子不值钱 ~ 放下面子 钱财两得 

Put on a mask, build a facade and face the unreal world

Speak to the audience & please their ears; music to their ears is better than any orchestra. Delivering a successful sales pitch is an Art; "no best deal can be adopted if its too truthful"  甜蜜的谎言

见人说人话 见鬼说鬼话 ~ 这世界真正喜欢听好听的话 不是真话

In psychology, it's empirically proven that the "Man loves to loss". 

Before he starts to gamble, he'd say "at most I loss $10,000". He places his stake and wins... he'll bet bigger. Finally, he will attempt a "double or quit or show-hand". Why? He is prepared to loss

Nobody can help unless he has the resources and abilities; be empowered

Built your resources; with excess resources, you can 'buy' labor and solutions 

Every steps I take, I leave a footprint [along the path]

Every praises and criticism are not my choice; safely ignore

Words never hurt but being emotional is inherently damaging

Victory is sweetest when glory returns ... but, enjoy the small victories too

Never indulge in regrets nor let others words affect you

Fight to win if need be

Live in the currency of life; today is perishable

Whether you are 21yo or 71yo, live your best today and everyday

Growing old is a privilege as not everyone live to see their twilight years

If you don't explore & build your pipeline of achievements, defeats included, you may have no memories to recall nor story to tell

My future is dictated by my current mental and physical capabilities; there is no chance to rush as, sometimes, the spirit is willing but the physique limit 

天时地利人和  也要有好运

I am waiting patiently

I Want Back My Simple Life

looking back and letting go of the past... As you move forward in life, you reminisce your past  When you were struggling to put meals on th...