In this trying times, there are things we can do to make life alittle easier yet productive. Employers need not fret and axe staffs but may find less painful solutions;
How to cut costs, not morales.
Allow Unpaid timeoff - it pleases your staff and they perform equally well (motion expand to fill time given) without hurting your pocket
Allow Work from home tied to results (KPI) - this is freedom with responsibility
Voluntary 'layoffs' (if excess staffs) - why keep so many staffs when they cannot work productively but instead spent time speculating on 'Who' & 'When' will layoffs hit
Sell off or give away non-performing units - knowing your terrain and running it well is better than clinging on to hope that things will change for the better (a Dollar saved is a dollar gained)
Reorganise backroom, supporting functions to locations with lower rentals/costs - a nicely fit 'factory outlet' is equally functional and efficient
Redesign the work place - not everyone needs a room or a cubicle
Allow Management Buy-Outs of 'stand alone, less efficient units' - re-employ them as part of your supplychain
Re-time and use more efficient Advertising & Promotions with longer shelflife - A&P captures consumers interests and participation in their leisure hours
Insists on least cost suppliers - least cost does not mean less efficient nor lower quality (ask for references)
Be prepared to lower pay of free loaders, non-thinking (not contributing but just being present) staffs - 'Yes man' are best partners for parties not work
Nobody is indispensable yet everybody must be a working piece of the locomotion
You Can't Fly Like An Eagle If You Are Working With Turkeys
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Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tao - 道
Breath well and be at Peace
When in turbulence, Relax
Smile in the face of the Unruly
When confuse, walk away to allow Diffusion
Don't set high expectations as Disappointments will be equally high
When in Doubts, Pray - GOD is all around us
Give yourself a chance as No one will
When there is day, there is night. There are Winners, there are Losers
Yin and Yang are unique and yet in unison
Go with the Flow
Nothing is beyond us, as Nothing will be too Insurmountable
It is not Failures that break a person, it is his refusal and inability to Overcome defeat
I am Who I am, I come and I go, I am only Passing
Keep thing Simple, Keep life Simple
Tomorrow will always come, but Today is the best
Seeing is believing as the Eyes see, believing is Seeing as the Soul feels
I live today & now; I live happily
My Soul is at ease and my Feeling is empty - void of distractions and negatives
In GOD I Trust
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