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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hopeless Wait Or A New Beginning

Its A New Beginning

When I lost all hopes and stare blankly
I pray to God and ask for a miracle
But, that prayer was never answered.

No immediate answers nor sympathies
Not even a tinge of possibilities!

My life is in total darkness
Hopes fade away and like a sheep lost in the wilderness
With only wintry breeze and a moonless night as companion.
Standing tall at the edge of the mountain, I am easy 'meat'.

My mind was clouded with the "What", "Why", "When" & "How"; nothing but more questions?

Is this the end or the beginning?
Have I fallen on bad times or am I seeing the beginning of a new era?
I searched deep and wide, but I still don't know and have no answers.

Finally, I decided.

Since the past have no continuity, it must be a new beginning.
And if God helps those who help themselves, then I am not waiting ... I have to rely on MYSELF

I am empowered & Master of my own destiny. I have a choice!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Life is a struggle

Life is a struggle

When you are born, you struggle to see light and the first thing you do is cry
When you are dying, you struggle to breathe as life stops when breathing stops

So don't complain, struggle is a norm in life
Enjoy the struggles

Monday, May 18, 2009

Winnings : Today & Everyday

Today & Everyday Is Payday

When all seem lost, don't loss your head (remain calm) and keep the heart beating (remain healthy)
When all the doors seem to slam shut, keep your faith and dance with hope
When no one seems to be available and all phone calls go unanswered, keep a steely will
When your career comes to a stop, take a mandatory break and loosen up

Nothing is beyond our reach if the mind is strong and the thoughts are clear
Doors cannot remain shut forever and if phone calls don't work, try "housecall"

Walk the street and stroll by the beach
Experience the scenes that you breezed by but did not see
See and feel the warmth of the morning sun and smell the fragrances of flowers
Let the morning dews wet the soul and soothe the mind

What we need is that chance - that opportunity - the ONLY chance and opportunity that will change our fortune and re-route our paths
We need only ONE chance to turn all setbacks into Successes

No one wins or losses forever.

In God we trust; losses are lessons and winnings are results
If you have not won, it is probably you have not been tested yet
Take the challenges, go for it - been there, done that!

Everyday is a new day & blessed are all who have Faith

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Uneasy Stockmarkets - Momentum Trading Or Guess Works

Less than 3 Months ago, fear of financial institutions failures, unemployment, bailouts and Iceland was colder than North/South Pole when it folded.

Then, the whole world seems slipping into a blackhole; there was light at the end of the tunnel and that was a rushing train.

Today, financial institutions are said to be safe and their screaming calls for cash infusion is prudent. Unemployment isn't just as bad and Chapter 11 reads like another page out of Harry Porter. Summer seems to have descended on Iceland.

Stockmarkets have recovered with a V-shape vengeance; has God wiped clean the slate filled with greed and excessiveness? WHY did, or did, the stockmarkets ignore reality and move ahead?

i) There is a pool of funds, which was sidelined, that needed to be invested
ii) Make-believe capitalism demands performance and if you are not in it when the wagon moves, you are dead. If you sell/short and you are caught wrong footed, you double buy/long, vice versa.
iii) Speculators who itched to get in, will eventually get in and the funds shall exit
iv) When the music stops, the tales are of similar veins

What you see is called "Momentum Trading", that is, you trade the trend and by sheer strength of liquidity, views are forced to change with the tides, especially if you need to turn around, you double it!

Then, players become immune to all those negative news and perspects as "if its already so bad, it can't be that bad, right?" Well, God knows!

Don't throw caution to the wind. Some wild cards win; most loss.

You will make money whether you are Bear or Bull. Only, sheep get slaughtered. If you are neither bull or bear, you better remain human and not a sheep.

Watch your back and keep your cash except if you have some to spare. Make sure you have some spare money left to buy face masks when the (financial) flu strikes again.

Dead man tells no tales. Good luck!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dreams Do Come True

I had a dream ...

That all doors shut in my face but God left the windows open

That everyday is 'a sunshine day' and I ended in a desert

That I lost my job but soon I reinvented & discover myself as an entrepreneur

That many of my friends walk out on me at the instance when I was penniless but I found truth ... that real friends are few

That my boat was sailing into the eye of the storm but with the strength of faith and determination I sailed safely to the shore

That the rich feasted on the best and in gluttony but the end results were ill health

That a phoenix rises from the ashes and all failures turned into successes

Seek, and you shall find.

Knock, and the door opens (for you)

Dare to dream and your dreams will come true.

Often winners are not the strongest, brightest nor smartest but those who dare to make their dreams come true

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...