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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Stockmarket Cycles

Stockmarket : Past, Current, Crystal-balling

A billion thanks to all my friends who read my blog. I have written on various issues but the stockmarket is something I like to opine though (mostly) unsolicited. The following were voiced;

7 Feb 2009 : Recovery 08.02.2009 - The East

..."Where the stockmarkets are concerned, its 'Trade with care' as fortune rewards the brave; For those who think they can bottom-fish and pile back into the markets after the crash like before, further dip is not a remote possibility..."

23 Mar 2009 : Stockmarket - The Uneasy Calm

..."For cash rich investors and those who needs to deploy their funds, its ideal to 'buy on weakness'... "

10 May 2009 : Uneasy Stockmarkets - Momentum Trading Or Guess Works

..." What you see is called "Momentum Trading", that is, you trade the trend and by sheer strength of liquidity, views are forced to change with the tides..."

Going Forward

In the various write-ups, I have forwarded my personal opinions as to why events move beyond commonsense and it demands steely political will to rein in the excesses.

Writers and scholars have given their miles of writings and arguments as to when and why the stockmarket will go up or down. In this update of mine, I offer none.

I will venture to say, and thus test, the empirical probabilities that :

1) Sentiments dull and stockmarket moves down in, or around, a Lunar Eclipse

2) Sentiments improve and stockmarket moves up in, or around, a Solar Eclipse

The differences is in the degree of rises or declines.

The following dates are worth observing to determine if there is, or isn't, a correlation; During the year 2009, two solar and four lunar eclipses occur as follows:


[Many] ways of conduct and of life, . . . precepts and teachings . . . often reflect a ray of that Truth which enlightens all men. The Church, therefore, exhorts her sons [to] recognize, preserve and promote the good things - The Second Vatican Counsil (1965)

The sutras [here: discourses] of the Buddha contain countless metaphors. Because mortals have shallow minds and don't understand anything deep, the Buddha used the tangible to represent the sublime. People who seek blessings by concentrating on external works instead of internal cultivation are attempting the impossible." Bodhidharma

Its all about LUCK!

When the Angels smile at you

I witnessed what happened at the bar counter today:

The bartender had just finished cleaning the bar counter and left.
A flock of birds flew onto the bar counter to feast on fresh specks of water in and around the sink. They were merrily 'feasting', singing and noisily 'chatting' with one another and after awhile they flew back to nest in the trees.
The supervisor came by and angrily reprimanded a cleaner standing nearest the bar counter (who happened to walk past), "How can the bar counter be so dirty with bird droppings all over? Get it cleaned up immediately"

It was all over within 10mins.

If the bartender was sacked for not doing his work, it was definitely not his fault. The poor cleaner was reprimanded just simply because she was present in the wrong place at the wrong time!

How unfair can life be?

That's life mate; accept what fate dishes to you.

Sometimes when things go wrong, as they may, or when your luck is not in your favour, accept it gracefully, learn from it and walk away.

For all the good and bad that you have done, God notices. As to whether rewards or retribution befall you, time will tell. Good work may not be rewarded yet but don't give up, the birds will come by one day to sing praises and bring you good luck when its due and the Angels will smile with you.

Of course, if you are bad, maybe you will be given a load of shits.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Good Omens

Omens Are Mine To Create

The signs are there; but successes are few
The signs are ominous; but they never materialize
Its all in the mind.

I work hard and thoroughly explore every available angles but breakthroughs are rare
I don't give up even if my tire legs demand that I stop
I defy and shall not surrender to the Devil of Failures

'Cos the Angels of Successes are only a hairbreathe away
These angels are around and available if only we don't shut the doors
They are mine and sent to alleviate the pains and eliminate the failures

Believe in yourself; nothing is impossible
The pot of gold is at the end of the rainbow
Its a covenant that we shall get it if we have FAITH

Good luck.

Believe in it and it shall materialize. More often than not, successes are just an amoeba waiting to multiply; not one but a nucleus.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Be Inspired

I am who I am

What do the following quotes tell you?

“I am easily satisfied with the very best.” - Winston Churchill

Do, or do not. There is no 'try'. - Yoda (from The Empire Strikes Back)

Forget about all the reasons why something may not work. You only need to find one good reason why it will. - Dr. Robert Anthony

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. - Mark Twain

It is you, and only you, who can make a difference. Success or failure lies deep in yourself; unearth the unique you and metamorphose into a SUCCESSFUL you because you refused to be a failure.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Going Green Or Going Extinct?

There is only one Mandate from Heaven:

Go forth and live wholesomely and fruitfully. Climb the mountains, swim the oceans and coexist with nature harmoniously. Dinosaurs didn't disappear but evolve over time to become smaller as there were lesser food to go round!

Either we live in harmony or some day, one of us got to disappear....

Heaven 天Earth 地People人

Heaven creates Earth and bless it with abundance so that People can procreate, prosper and pan out. There is no need to worry about Malthusian effect but Homosapiens, (taxonomically Homo sapiensLatin: "wise man" or "knowing man"). are highly able to self-destruct as the iota of wisdom declines overtime; in its place you find selfishness, greed, indifference and tonnes of evil intents.

Be wise, be nice.

Our many 'tomorrows' depend on what we do TODAY

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Rainbow Connection


Have enough and don't be greedy. When you hurt others and you scheme against your closest of friends, you will repay with 'a pound of flesh'. Worst still, your evil intent robs your next generation and rewards them with punishment.

In the story of Noah's Ark, God resolved that he would never again curse the ground because of man, nor destroy all life on it in this manner. Man in turn was instructed never to eat any animal which had not been drained of its blood.[7]

In order to remember this promise, God put a rainbow in the clouds, saying, "Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth."

Man should live caringly, selflessly and make the world a better place instead of drowning in egoism, selfishness and begger thy' neighbour.

Rainbows give hope though the pot of gold is always missing but meals are not make of gold. Midas can't survive as everything he touches become gold.

Too much of anything will always be harmful like gluttony, laziness and work.

Give yourself the break and breathe the fresh air of dews and flowers. Hear the breeze and the songs of the waves.

Have hope and everyday will be blessed

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...