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Sunday, December 30, 2012

There Is GOD

For the first time since 2008, my December post is hollow...

It's quite unimaginable
It defies logic

I was chasing the rainbow for my pot of gold
I was taken for a ride; afew rides
I was determined; on hindsight it was blind determination - more obstinacy than determination

Silly was me

If there was a GOD, He was truly missing
I was left to fend for myself - alone
I felt betrayed

All my faith & beliefs were gone

I detested the abandonment
I fought with all my mortal strengths
However and whatever I tried, its all in vain

There was an immediate divorce between me, the mortal, & God, the Almighty

Today ... I am alone but not lonely
I still need, and will harness, the strength of/in GOD
We are not alone; there is a GOD - the guiding force

The world did not end - which I never believe it will ever
My December is about to end and to begin with a New Year
But ... me?

It's the drive to succeed and to see successes ... that I survive into prosperity, peace & harmony

With ... GOD
We are NOT alone

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...