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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Every Good Deserves Another Chance

Mother Nature cares for everyone, big & small...

There is a price and time for everything
Just as day & night changes, good and bad will change too
The toughness is in the waiting... 

Despite wearing two pieces of jackets, I was freezing 寒冷 to death and praying for day break in HK some years ago; alone and lonely
Who will ever believe that the weather in HK can be so torturous and understand what I went through?

It's spring time again and the flowers bloom and the birds tweets
CNY ~ Monkey(Chinese New Year) is here and events are as volatile and unpredictable as the swing
My firm believe, assertiveness and assuredness were, at times, shakened
I learnt, and is still learning, to 'do nothing' while the cosmic forces are turbulent
I wait out as the fundamentals haven't change
The toughness is in the waiting...  

The Total Solar Eclipse falls on the 8/9 March 2016
     As in most previous Solar Eclipses, the stock market rally
This year opened with major downswing that even the 
       Capricorn effects was muted

There is a cyclical movement that dictates UPs & DOWNs, bloom & doom ; no different in the stock and commodity markets. After years of growth, slowing down is a norm.  Some day, some how, the sky brightens again

I argue adamantly but not blindly, we will enjoy a short term reprieve
The market shall rebound...& soon indeed
Let there be 'light and view' ~ the alley may be narrow but it will be wide enough to save many
I am the incurable optimist

Don't worry, be happy
If Mother Nature cares for the little nooks and corners, all things big and small
We are in good hands
In God, I is a given

Be there when the tides return...

Friday, February 5, 2016

SockMarket & The Monkey's 72 Challenges (72变)

there's bull's blood all over the global stock markets...

Capricorn effect fizzled out this year 2016
In my 10th Dec 2015, I talked about the re-rating of stockmarket and commodities
The downturn was as expected but the intensity of sell-off was kinda of unexpected

What's next?

A re-visit to the charts clearly show some divergence: price decline versus RSI rise
This is a clear sign of an oversold market and should be rebounding...soon
The liquidity push/pull momentum will create an equally strong rebound

Throw Of A Dice Or Read The Charts

(This is NOT an investment advice nor is it an inducement and encouragement to trade/buy/sell. If you have any doubts, please consult your  lawyers, brokers, bankers & professional advisors)
DBS, OCBC are ready for a meaningful rebound while UOB had an earlier start
Cheapies Ramba, Forise, APAC, even "bombed-out" Koyo looked ready to 'rise to the music'
SingPost, Tritech seemed to be turning the corner with SMRT leading ahead
SembCorp and Keppel certainly has seen some of the worse sell-down; an early upswing looks imminent
M1 & SIA charts are looking for a breakout
ComfortD, Genting S & Capitaland will need alittle nurturing before interests return

There is a high probability that recovery is in sight following the intense sell-down.
However, the unstable and lightening growth prospects may mute the upside. Nonetheless, like buying 'big-ticket' items, it's not whether it's cheap or expensive, it's the 'feel good' effect that will moves the buyers.

Beware and be Forewarned

The stockmarket is a conduit to/of value investment and not a casino
Your choice of which stocks to buy, sell or hold is as personal as your inner garments; only you know

STIC 2623                            DJIA 16,416
KLCI 1662                            S&P 500 1915
HSI 19,288                            Nasdaq 4509
JCI 4798                                SSE Comp 2763
N225 16,819

Happy Monkey-CNY

Everyone wants to make money but few wants to do their homework. Stop monkeying around and start planning ahead...Good Luck

(This is NOT an investment advice nor is it an inducement and encouragement to trade/buy/sell. If you have any doubts, please consult your  lawyers, brokers, bankers & professional advisors)

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...