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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

LUCK & Being Luky

LUCK is the grease of life & living...

Theresa May triggers Brexit by signing Article 50; the process starts
Surely, UK will return stronger as she restructures, reconstruct and  reposition the City
The Empire of the Sun that never sets is finally about to regain her past glory instead of living in the shadows of Germany & France under EU
The financial centre of Europe will elude the others and return to the City

Make America Great Again - well; Trump has just done that!
At least, the US$ strengthens and DowJones Index & S&P 500 broke through multi year resistance
Top up with several large MNCs investing billions dollars in US
His anti-immigration stance is largely popular but faced resistance from new citizens
With a cracked-Euro$, US$ reigns again & confidence regained

Hard work pays & so they say. Never...
Bear with it & they preach. That's because the pain is not with them
Create awareness by raising prices. Damn it. Didn't they do it through the years of education? Umm
The tendency to suppress and make the masses submissive is an animal instinct
But, Man proposes, GOD disposes

Survival of the fittest doesn't mean the weaker ones will die
Like the blade of grass that danced in the storm and the toppled grand oak tree
Worms are food for birds as bird carcasses are food for the worms
The lion king is food for the hyenas when he is old and ill
The world will never be equal; get use to it

I am waiting for my lucky break 天时地利人和
I have worked very hard, used initiatives and have been very patience
But, LUCK beats everything - a tinge can change black into white
Commerce is cannibalized by e-commerce
Snailmail died with email
Stenography disappeared with the advent of recorder
Being ahead of technology is being ahead of time
Though genius aplenty, few made it

I live my best, make the best of what I have & leave the rest

When I'm down, I lie low & I accept that "Winner takes All", admitting defeat is not in my blood
I'd hibernate, learn from the better and stronger, recuperate and return READY
I train my mind to accept fresh ideas and be bold
When my turn comes, I shall shine again

No two person are born the same
Even if so, no two person will end the same
If there's Fate, I wanna be the Decider

不怕命坏 只要命在 ~ 活的辛苦但心不能苦

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

MARCHing Forward

time and tides wait for no man...

This was two years back 拜天公 Even the Rooster Lunar 1st month is over
We are in the end month of first quarter 2017 ~  March                                      
There were simply too much changes
I am still waiting for my 'pot of gold' although much efforts have been expended
There is only "hope" left
Between 'Luck' and 'Smartness', I'd prefer Luck
Everything is a breeze when one is LUCKY

My big break was in 2007 ~ a good ten years ago

Now, I am looking at my 'bucket-list'
Is this why when the list is completed, we 'kick the bucket'? Omigosh, the power of English language
I wanna do so much in so...little time left
Emotional disquietness is the greatest disturbance
At most time, the 'mind is willing but the body is weak'
There is no loss in material searches; contentment is the key & peace is the dividend
Money can buy you many things but nobody can suffer pain nor fall ill on your behalf

To many, they're entering old age but I'm entering middle age
Mid-50s is the great dawn of the 'Second Wind' ~ little baggage, plentiful of leeway, fully powered
Whether you're young or old, being & standing stagnant is trapped in life motor ~ immobile
The choice is clear
Do it now or you may never... never at all
Life is finite
Today & still breathing is the best day

Whether you are static, frantic or indifferent, time flies
I have lost a few friends & relatives over time and only their memories linger
You will do well to do all that you wanted to do before time overruns you
There is so little time left, I thought but NO, time is only as good as you're alive
Get started now
Go chase and do all that you wanted to before your physique fails you
God willing, I will succeed ... in time to come ... soon

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...