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Monday, October 23, 2017

Will The Stock Market Turn?

what goes up must come down vis versa's only when

You can make 10 rounds but one bad round could wipe you out for good
Similarly, when the going is good, even fools make money
There is no easy money; you need to do homework
Many are not able to last a year of slowdown, bland and uneventful economy and a stagnant market
2017 has been a fairly positive year but there are still blood on the streets

Going forward, will the stockmarkets correct, see a sharp fall & rebound (fairly painless)
Or fall sharply, sprinkled with dead-cat bounces before sliding further (very painful)

History tells some story:

1977/8 ~ energy crisis - Yom Kimppur War/Iranian Revolution
1987/8 ~ stockmarket crisis - Black Monday
1997/8 ~ asia financial crisis - Asia muddled in debts/Currencies depreciated
2007/8 ~ financial crisis - Subprime mortgages/Lehman Brothers
Will 2017/18 escape the claws of 10-year cyclical movements of events

Money is the denominator of all crisis
Whilst wars, political changes and calamities are incidentals & magnify the impact
Human are sacrificed as blood bleeds and greed grabs
The problems were never resolved and 'the can is kick down the road'
Every crisis gets bigger than its predecessor

Looking at the charts (tracking the past) and the emotional imbalances & disturbances
The time is ripe
According to the Guardian (Jan 2017), the world's eight richest people have same wealth as poorest 50%, that is, they are worth $426bn (£350bn), equivalent to the wealth of 3.6 billion people.
Problems like US/NATO & Russia/China military gamesmanship, religious-centric refugees, shifting political partisanship, food scare and reappearences of olde diseases  are just manifestations of inadequacy, injustice, elitism, greed and suppression.

The next crisis is near - November & December 2017 is not far away
It's not 'will it happen but when'

All are not 'Doom & Gloom' but this time, it will take a much longer time to recover
Is 18 months too long? No, it is the sufferings by the seconds that is
Cash is King
Gold is a more reliable currency


How did the war end the Great Depression?
The Depression was actually ended, and prosperity restored, by the sharp reductions in spending, taxes and regulation at the end of World War II, exactly contrary to the analysis of Keynesian so-called economists. True, unemployment did decline at the start of World War II.Nov 30, 2013

Indices (23/10/2018)

DJIA 23,328.63
S&P 500 2,575.21
Nasdaq 6,629.05
STIC 3,347.02

World Indices (from

Name Last Change
Nasdaq 6,629.1 24.0
HSI 28,321.9 -165.3
HSCEI 11,484.0 -74.4
Jakarta 5,958.5 28.9
Nikkei 225 21,658.3 200.6
SSE Comp 3,381.4 2.7
Shanghai A 3,541.1 2.8
Shanghai B 352.9 0.0
ShenZhen A 2,095.9 4.4
ShenZhen B 1,204.8 -1.4
Taiwan W 10,754.1 25.2
PSE Comp 0.0
KOSPI 2,486.4 -3.1
FTSE 250 20,146.9 +15.4

Monday, October 16, 2017

My Winning Combinations

picking up again...

Rest if you must but never quit
Quitters are losers
Persevere ; you will make it
Have faith; GOD willing, you will succeed
When to going is tough, the tough keeps going
Lovely phrases but the person going through it is showing signs of 'drowning' & hopelessness

Nobody wants to give up if he can sustain
Everyone is waiting for that nice break ~ sometimes, that looks like a distant possibility
Unfortunately, what breaks you is not the toughest but 'the last straw' is the lighetest ~ the lightness You can defeat the biggest bully, return from the worse setback but if your spirit is down, it's the end 
No amount of tough talks nor motivation can save a drowning Soul
Try as you may, sometimes it is flogging a dead horse

If GOD helps those who help themselves
Does it mean GOD is redundant? Perhaps...
If we have full faith with GOD yet when failures knock, many say 'everything happens for a reason'
The only reason is "there is no GOD"
GOD is only an invincible hope & comfort for the failures
Try talking to the successful ones; like you, he has never seen GOD

To rebuild or to build our future according to our goals is to plough on 'blindly but steadfastly'
Getting your intended target is 'success' & missing is a norm
There are no permanent doomsday nor victory parade; pass this moment, life is back to normal
Frustration, disappointment and disillusionment are due to expectations
Move ahead; just do it ... expects little and all shall be sugar, spice and everything nice
Victory or defeat is just that moment ~ & all shalt pass

Successful people also face defeats
Steve Jobs, Guo WenGui, Wang JianLin, George Yeo, Anwar Ibrahim, Jerry Yang...
The larger the gamemanship, the higher the stakes, the greater the defeat: No "IFs", No "BUTs"
Rebuilding is tougher than building as the sweetness of yesteryears turned bitter
When Man is non-emotional yet steadfast, he conquers all
No fear is greater than fearless 心有多大 舞台就多大

I fear nothing for I came naked and shalt return naked
Though, I must say I do have some emotional baggage
Above all, I know I am finite
I pass through this way but once
I shall live to the fullest and I'm aware no two moments are the same
I live NOW & I live well ~ some sugar, spice and most things nice

Defeats, disappointments, frustrations come & go 没有做不到的事 只是还没想到

I was down... I maybe down ~ but I shall return

Win ~ I Shall

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Hello October, Goodbye September

the October feeling of reeling into wintry weather...

Life is full of surprises but winners may not necessarily be the best person
The fakes, the schemers, the conmen...
Any man can make mistakes but only an idiot persists in his error
Yet, the idiot wins
Almost everyone is born a genius but dies an idiot
The smartness somehow eludes the smartie and he dies a pauper

There is nothing more dangerous than a resourceful idiot
It's worse if he is a politician
He will cut corners, divide and rule, speak the untruths without blinking an eye
History has many ...alas!

Talent is a flame
Genius is the fire
A spark to glory manifest into sustainable victory
There is no genius without some touch of madness
Dare to be different & leaves the groupthink
No two ideas are similar and the first mover has advantage

If you choose bad companions, no one will believe that you are anything but bad yourself
- Aesop, Aesop's Fables 
Do not succumb to pressure to act and be 'one of the Jones'
Cut the coat according to your cloth
Time is the best friend and your achievements come over time
You cant have sex with 9 women & have a baby in 1 day ~ Law of Nature

A bad friend is is worse than an enemy, an enemy you can see and avoid, but to detect an insincere friend is hard - Bangambiki Habyarimana, The Great Pearl of Wisdom 

Acquaintances are not friends; they merely pass by
When you are down, the real friends surface but they are far and few
A bad friend secretly plots your downfall - Bangambiki Habyarimana, Book of Wisdom 
However close to you, where money comes between friends, money dictates the outcome
Trust is delicate 
Be yourself

Strangely, friends almost always leave you at your most critical moments
Hearts are broken, relationship stops
You are on your own in this world when all leaves and the wintry chills blow
You arrive alone and naked & this is the paradox of life; you are always on your own
Your friends are here to share your glory, fame and monies

Fake friends are like shadows: always near you at your brightest moments, but nowhere to be seen at your darkest hour True friends are like stars, you don't always see them but they are always there.
Habeeb Akande

Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.
Read more at:
Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.
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Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...