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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Broken Clock Is Right Twice A Day

mistakes & lies repeat long enough ...

The world is getting harder to comprehend and trust as illusions reign
Multi-media circulate doctored views, outright fake news and lies that looked decidedly real
Robotics and AI have revolutionize work ethics, approaches and increasingly built self-centredness
The manifestation of unreal into reality albeit fake is building distrust, disbelief and conflict
Fake & dishonorable intents are dressed-up with impunity and delivered as 'good' promise

The world is fast changing; time is compact and the velocity of change multiplied
When you least expect it, it happens ~ for the better or worse
The world is indeed made smaller by the speed news travel
The Las Vegas shooting: did one man single-handedly killed so many from the distance? Puzzled 
Most terrorists attacks are said to be ISIS-linked but could these attackers be insane? Probably

Since Mankind, rogue leaders find reasons to justify their actions
So are clairvoyants, fortune tellers and selfish & self-centred leaders
Leaders are born and so he shalt rise to lead in any crisis
Charlatans, charading as leaders, are the parasites of Society
Their strategy is "promise you some before winning & give you a little more before asking again"

Don't blame others if you leave your Destiny in another's hands


Statistically, party members are small compared to the total population
China ~ The Chinese Communist Party reached 82.6 million members in 2011, making it the world’s largest political party. This represents 6.13 percent of the Chinese population.
UK ~ As of June 2017, Labour had 552,000 members and the Liberal Democrats had 102,000 members as of May 2017. As of August 2017 the SNP had 118,000 members.

It is a global phenomenon
Then, why can citizens be held hostage to the demands of Political Parties?  
Indifference; throw in Divide & Rule & their Fate is sealed     
Any political party(ies) just need to convince the electorates their "Promises"
Cumulative small changes shift mountains

The Broken Clock Is Right Twice A Day
A broken promise, when delivered nearer the D-day, clears many a doubters 
We cannot depend on Luck to win the day
An honest, dutiful approach to identifying solutions save the day
Providence is universal but should not be left to chances

If you do not care, then don't complain ~ The Broken Clock Is Right Twice A Day

Waiting for another to carry your burden is like trying to walk to your grave on your own upon death
You reap what you sow
There are NO bad leaders but bad electorates
Live by the sword and die by the sword
As some will complain, some benefit from bad decision

I am neutral
Alone, I break easily but I do sway in the wind in my 'harbour of hope'
Some day when the grand old oak tree collapsed, I will have more space
Like HOPEs, the seedling shalt grow again
Some day soon, change shalt come

Brave The Changes

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