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Friday, December 28, 2018

Time, Cyclicals, Nationalism & Stock Market

2018 is passing soon...

The compacting of time and the speed by which information travels is stressing up all
Time flies fleetingly
The days of joys and sufferings are more impactful and expeditiously extinguished
Fortunes are made and lost in a sleight of hand
The volatility of stock market swings are shorter, sharper and speedier

A visit to an antique house tells loads of stories
They buy junks but sell antiques
You pay dearly for things that others disposed
As if time was frozen, I found many olde items of values but sold exorbitantly
Alas, if only we can sell "age", we'd all be of high(er) values

Life is like an 'antique' destined to be thrown away
For most, the value decreases over time especially if worn out
There may be a few 'timeless' pieces & these are casted into history
The best bet is to live everyday fully and in awe

Time and tides wait for no man

2018 quietly came & gonna leave in a whimper
However, the speed it rushes towards the end is unquestioned
I can only bid 2018 goodbye in 74 hours time & restart

Winter can be very harsh and damaging 寒冷
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter ...the change of seasons remind us our mortal vulnerability
Spring brings warmth after the wintry colds
Autumn sheds the excesses in lieu of a lightened, less loaded winter
Summer pumps up the energy that manifest into fruition
Ya, life is a cycle

When the cycle stops, life ends

2018 is filled with threats of wars by nations, big and small

The trigger happy politicians have never think through about the extraordinary hardships, destruction and carnage war brings to the commoners

Sure, nationalism and sovereignty are important but fighting the only way out? No, diplomacy is an ideal solution
Why be MAD - Mutual Assured Destruction? Sanity and a level-mind win the day
The only winners in a war are the power crazy politicians

For as long as I lived, I have never heard the existence of a hungry politician
But, we hear repeat of sufferings by the weak, children and women & the destruction of nations

The stock market is a great work of cyclical art
The volatility and impact of extreme swings sink many-a-weak-hearted
December has never been such a volatile month & this crafted an unfamiliar tune

It is not unexpected to experience technical rebounds from the lows and marginal recovery into January 2019 ; the Capricon effect
Watch for another great swing downward towards mid-end January (total lunar eclipse)

The lower lows is/are indicative of bear rages
Do not expect meaningful recovery until mid-June/July (total solar eclipse)

Whether it is a bull or bear market, money are made and loss
Many want to make money but few are prepared to do their homework
If fundamental are foundations of the market, the technicals are collations of psychological reactions. Throw in some commonsense and you will be a notch better than many

Good luck 2018
Looking forward 2019
However tough my journey is, I shall roam the Earth and cast my mark
In GOD I trust until my recall


saving myself from agony and rejections...

Many will avoid you simply because you are of  'no use' to them or they place themselves notches
Looking down on others is an easy chore
Nobody dies from being belittled, ostracized nor 'looked-down'
The winner is not the one despise others
Many detest because they are not worthy & their hearts are stored with envy
They bury poignant within their hearts

The world will never be a better place when everyone looks back in awe
Dead man tell no tales
The leader cannot look back for inspirations to lead his flock yet forbids any differential of opinions
There is no monopoly of ideas
The manifestation of ideas via freedom of restraints and grip-free initiatives innovate & refresh
没有做不到的事 只有还没想到

Brave The Changes

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