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Monday, April 29, 2019

HELP, Help But Do Not Offer For Free

chase your dreams but never chase to help...

When you are helpful, that's expected and demanded, at times
When you extend your goodwill and put in additional efforts, it's taken as a norm
Nobody appreciate real help especially if the results is not within their expectations
There will always be people who think your help must come with a 'warranty'
They may even try to trip you to let you fall
Evil? No, the fallen ones enjoy seeing you in a worse position than them

笑看江湖 笑了就算
Nobody lives forever
Their ending is their karma
Whatever you do in your first 50years will determine your next 50years destiny
You cannot get away with evil deeds, not when your stars are down
The worst punishment is not upon you but when the punishments are cast upon your next generation
You may not live to see but history will not be forgotten

The long arm of Karma dishes out the same menu

Do not take yourself too seriously
So long as you have tried your best, the path forward will be directed 条条大路通罗马
When young, I wanted to join the special force, be a fighter pilot, an air steward, a service staff... but none crystalized

I went on to be a mini 'maestro' in the financial industry; a success thrown at me
I weren't good at mathematics but I was fast in arithmetics 
I can never be an architect nor engineer; I am logical in thoughts but not in numbers
Somehow, somewhere, someday'd realize
Some are born with Fame, some gain Fame whilst for others, Fame is thrown at them 

I was lucky to not have taken myself too seriously after coming of age
I eat what I hunt
I come from a poor family and survival is the only choice; this motivated me
I lived within my means yet I saved enough to upgrade myself academically
Complaints were few and far as survival outweighs any moments available to complain
I 埋头苦干 ; nor "IFs", no "BUTs", just "DO"
Tomorrow will be better & today I must do my best

I have my defeats & misses and so did I have my hits & successes

Winning is everything
The world loves a winner
Money, fame and power buy friends
But, they leave as soon as your attractions diminish
I see myself as a winner; with or without friends
After I won, the friends flow freely

Alone is not loneliness

The best of friends are there for you, not over a dime
They sit and listen to next to nothing
They are there for a reason : friend

The journey to success is fraught with misses
Falling is never an issue
It's the getting up and continuing
GOD rewards come long after you have succeeded
HE gives you peace and comfort to enjoy your winnings

Only help when asked
If help is extended freely, many will make unnecessary demands
There are many who do not deserve your attention, let alone help
But, with a pure heart, all givings will be rewarded in due course
It hurts at times heals too

In GOD we trust

Friday, April 5, 2019

Self-Actualization In Motion

the power of being ...

With health, comes action
The actions serve to push for greater heights
心有多大 舞台就多大
Nobody makes it big if they dream small
Slow but steady also meant consistency, not procrastination
There is no victory without sweat, fears, dares, games & opportunities
Victory is sweet because it fights bitterness & near defeats
Wild horses don't make a good race horse
Some level of skills training polish up the person

Acting out and acting up without capabilities is a waste of time
You cannot sustain
The display of well being have to be consistently reinforced by cheats, mischief and misdemeanor
When the incapable and incompetents refuse to leave and want entrenchment, only ruse and tricks help
The better future will be grossly undermined

One good guy cannot fights a group of hyenas
The good intent will always be undermined and distorted
Who will win? That's not the point
A lot of resources are wasted fighting the undesirables
A straight road is defaced, potted with holes and goals disengaged

How to win back the throne? It's the same tricks and trickery
Fighting fire with fire, brute for brute
The world will be destroyed before peace, calm, progress and prosperity can be achieved by the surviving leftovers; not necessarily smarter but definitely more brutal
The fittest survive is all mental

No human will fights for a valueless cause
Walking away could be the best victory
When the dusts settle, the new day begin
Who's talking about a better tomorrow? It's now or never

This is a pic of fairly successful persons
From all walks of life, profession and stratas
No one claims superior over another and each progresses within their own strengths and surrounding ecosystem
In this commune, care & share is the norm
To each his own

Not everything is great
But, we can make "great" of everything; mind willing
When you see everything as a "no, no", "difficult" and "tough", you are almost dead before you start
Survival of the fittest is a myth; everyone needs someone

Someday, the world will reflect my ideals
And, that some day is soon


Thursday, April 4, 2019

Giving Up Is The Easiest

living a listless life ...

It is easy to do something but doing nothing completely is sometimes impossible
When you have ruled your life and succeeded, not doing anything is indeed impossible
That's why they say "you've got into your head" when you over indulged
More often than not, when you go into over drive, the result is negative

Over eat, over drink, over provide and over care are sure troubles
The former ruin your health and the latter make the recipient dependent
When you care too much, everyone becomes dependent
When you remind often, many ignore datelines

There are no fools as most are 'great pretenders'
They'd milk your and suck you dry
They speak with a fork tongue and tell lies looking you straight in the eyes
They scheme your fall

Brexit is the biggest divorce & it won't be the last
UK withdrew from the Commonwealth
EU is a union of the rich and poorer neighbors
The rich, Germany, France, UK, benefited from a larger market/population with plentiful of youthful, educated and energised workforce
From EEC to EU, it was 60 years and UK is delinking from this 'marriage of convenience' now that there are more members who needed help than before

Historically, France and Germany is one and USA and UK is in  the other

Remaining alone is not a new thoughts; UK runs her own finance and defense
This day was preordained, not a listless afterthought
The successful person fills himself with loads of work, reading and practice
An idle mind is a devil's workshop
For the many who complained of hardship, unfairness, discrimination and being disadvantaged
What have you done to make it better? Nothing, as your energy were focus on complainings
Time and tides wait for no man

Worry not for the good Lord will provide & GOD helps those who help themselves

Whichever religions, this is the truth
You have to work for what you want and aspire
Within your means, many things are humanly possible  人为
Everyone prays for rain but nobody get the containers ready; when rain falls, the water goes back into the ground

When you live listlessly, anything is good
An aimless person is like one sailing in a boat without compass; come what may
You can't change the wind direction but you can guide yourself to your desired destination
This is the power of wisdom 智慧

Sometimes, I am down
At times, I was totally defeated and lost
But, I have every intent and determination to stand up again
It is not about the falling; it is the getting up again

Giving up is the easiest; just stop

If you are listless, stop, prod and think 发呆
The power of dreams move frontiers but you need to get up and work on your dream
Tomorrow is never promised
Do it all you want today...

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...