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Monday, July 29, 2019

Unknown Frontiers And Baseless Accusations

where mad dogs reign...

Being accused of things that I have not done; I have seen them aplenty
Some will rant and accuse you without making background checks
Worse are those who insists they are right even after being shown the facts
Well, well... never wrestle with a pig
They love to get dirty
Ignoring them is not the best but it is better than engaging in wasteful engagement
Life is colorful with many different characters, including clowns & unreasonable jerks 

The journey of life is one of discovery
Pushing for new frontiers, though unknown and a long-shot, is amazingly enriching
The discoveries and rewards, although sometimes none, is rewarding
Trying something new may lead to gains monetarily, if not the experiences
There is nothing more scary and fearsome than to be too far ahead of the curve
You've been there, done that but the ecosystem is not ready for you and your ideas
Yet, if you don't move, the perfect answer is "ZERO" & you will never know

We cannot change the world but by changing ourselves, the impetus is set
Why bother to change others? Everyone has a dream
But, few wake up to work on their dreams; one competitor lesser indeed
The biggest failures are those who know a little but fire on all 4-cylinders - the loose cannons
Nobody's perfect
I never choose perfection as "perfection, like ideals, change after arrival"
Walk away from those with negative reactions; nothing good can come from a foul mind

Your tomorrows is/are determined by what you have done today

I am no magician but I believe in myself and my abilities
The world is my oyster and my playground
Nobody's gonna pity nor sympathize me and I don't expect handouts
I am a giant in my own rights; moving away from famish situation to harvest
That's our basic instinct; survival
I do not strive just to survive; I prosper and rally the positive results
Someday, when my time is up, I want to proudly say "I have done it"

I hate baseless accusations but I also would not spend precious resources and time to fight it
Not that I can walk away but some parasites need a 'bashful' punch in order to awake
There is no winner in fighting them except to gain clarity & a clean status 
But, but...alas; some fights are unavoidable
Trust me, ask no questions
Doubt me, whatever I answer may not be acceptable nor amenable
I am who I am; not arrogance but living in my own "heavenly nutshell made easy for myself"

Go forth and multiply
For the better or worse

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The New Frontiers

going into the unknown to discover gems...

We are not here to curse the darkness, but to light the candle that can guide us through that darkness to a safe and sane future - John F. Kennedy

Nobody is any smarter by blaming the world except himself
When you change, the world changes with you
Everyone make sa correct decision at that moment of deciding
Go forth and help others to make this world a better place
Instead of hoping to enjoy in Heaven, why not live a 'heavenly' life here? True

You may be tempted to take risks but never gamble with you life

The person who is willing to say yes to experience is the person who discovers new frontiers - 

Keep your feet on the ground, but let your heart soar as high as it will. ..
If you don't set sail, you will never find new lands
When you try, you either succeed or you gain experiences
Unpolished gems are of low value ; rise and shine for the world is conquered by conquerers, not cowards
Every time some changes, fortunes change too

I was out of job despite all the experiences and qualifications I have and the unending searches I undertook
I live from hand to mouth and managed a tight ship
Nobody is bother with your misfortunes or failures
The world loves a winner
Do not expect sympathy

This world is made for the brave, the 'dares' and the 'undefeatables'
The world of compassion and care is fairy tales in motion
Who dares win
When you made it, you can spare some dimes for the less fortunates
As for now, fighting for survival is a norm
The people at the top are too entrenched in their ivory tower to notice your sufferings

Some day...soon, you will make it
Just try the untracked paths
The discovery is more exciting as victory is sweet
Waiting for charity and help is like sitting at the edge of the desert hoping for a water tank to come by

Go...go for it
Nobody can stop you for achieving more
Tomorrow's never promised, use the best of today
Go..go get it

Refuse to be average. Let your heart soar as high as it will. Aiden Wilson Tozer
Read more at:

Refuse to be average. Let your heart soar as high as it will. Aiden Wilson Tozer
Read more at:

Brave The Changes

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