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Friday, August 2, 2019

Adrenaline : The Rush

the high octane powering the person...

Adrenaline - The young have it but the positively driven persons have abundance
This is the grease for the brain and pushes the brain into overdrive
Riots, sex, gore, violence, guts and extreme experiences are enabled by adrenaline push
It's not just herds instinct
Alone and prepared to be 'wild & extreme'

Napoleon, Genghis Khan, Alexandra the Great, Sultan Osman 1 (Ottoman Empire), QingShiWang
These are not just strategists and conquerors but heavily purpose driven
The 'want" to reach new frontiers and conquer newfoundland
Nothing can stop them except age and illnesses
Man beats all obstacles but fails in the hands of women

Top achievers and winners are unique as having the "Grit"
Giving up is not a choice
They offer solutions to problems and break the box instead of just thinking out of the box
Walk the paths that few will
No new lands are conquered if you can still see the shores

Man does not rebel unless push to the extreme
As the ordinary Man seeks food, shelter, emotional belongings and group recognition
Expansion and conquest are left to the Alpha-Man
With fire in the belly, he seeks to dominate
Winning is everything

Will Man stop after reaching the top? No, not unless over their dead body
Napolean met his Waterloo
Germany almost made it if not for testing Russia
Asia could have been the 'Japanised' if not for slaying Pearl Harbor
GenghisKhan and Alexandra the Great ruled over vast lands but "age & sickness" estopped them

Today's world is vastly influenced by US with China, the awakened giant, as a competitor
US, together with her European allies, look formidable against China or Russia
But, a loose alliance between China and Russia make for equilibrium
The East and West must peacefully coexist to prosper, whatever their adrenaline rush
Any attempts to dominate militarily will be MAD - Mutual Assured Destruction

It's best to deploy the Adrenaline Rush to commerce where Laws of Comparative Advantage rules
The shared prosperity, peacefulness and growth provide for a better mankind and living
The freedom to navigation, airspace and landings build "oneness" and brew common destiny
GOD didn't promise Heaven or Hell; it's for Mankind to enjoy Heaven on Earth
Why wait to go to Heaven and live in a Hellish world on Earth? The Heaven is here on Mother Earth

Every Man has a role on Earth & no one is too small or big for his role
Otherwise, we'd all be made the same
You do not know your real value, abilities and capabilities until you try
Nobody owes anybody a living; go forth and multiply
Let the rush, powered by Adrenaline, begins

Brave The Changes

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