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Sunday, September 20, 2020

For A Better Tomorrow 善

lives and living will turn for the better...

COVID & war-wannahappens will destroy Man 

Will GOD simply forgives you & saves you because you confess? No, don't even dream about forgiveness

Confess - you may confess your sins & wrongdoings at the pit & in darkness but are you remorseful? Umm...

Remorse - are you truly remorseful after your confession or conveniently confess? Oh... 

Repent - you have confessed & you are remorseful but will you repent 

Nobody goes to Heaven simply because he confesses his sins 

Heaven is not a harbor for sinners but repentants


I've learnt the Power of Prayers & to believe in GOD

COVID & the uncertainties are challenges that Man never encountered before

Many dreams were shelved, not for want of reasons, but simply immobilized by C-19

Incidentally, my health failed me but by a stroke of GOD's grace & plentiful of exercises, I escaped getting worse; it was an early sign 

Business-wise, things are moving albeit at snail's pace

It's like flickering lights; more darkness than light-ups but every brightness is a blessing

Looking forward to tomorrow but with rose colored glasses


What if my last breathe is now? It has never crosses my mind

Whatever happens, so long as we can be saved, we will live to see & fight another day

人在事在 人亡事忘  

There is no need to worry as the world continues to roll-on; with or without you (& me)

Nobody is indispensable and what's left behind are memories; either fondly recalled or cursed continuously

I prefer the quality of life and living 

Live happily, healthily and blissfully away from the worries, disappointment, frustration & set backs

Expect little to nothing and there will be no frustration - everything positive result is a blessing


I am who I am; within my means & capabilities I have achieved much

My next frontier; to enter monkhood & away from the material things

I wanna "sink & sulk" into Nature & return a healthier person

Maybe, after my sabbaticals I will be able to see people & the future a little clearer

Not to judge others but to walk away from Man's follies & offer, perhaps, guidance to lost Souls

Confess, remorse & repent & we will be nearer Truths & Peace

There is redemption & forgiveness when one is truly remorseful & repents忏悔





Monday, September 14, 2020

Honesty Clears Life's Hurdles

 autumn going into winter ...

When the leaves leave, the trees bare

Baring all is to survive the wintry cold despite their nakedness as less water is lost

- 生比苦重要 人在事在

Snakes shed skins, water freezes, the north winds slices through like sharp blades

The relieve from wintry colds is Christmas; the season of hopes and redemption

Slow ...slow down & allow the body & mind to repair & take recess

COVID brought most economies & industries to their knees except for necessities like medicals

However, the capital markets have exhibited black swan phenomenons 


Stockmarkets corrected in March 2020 but rebounded due to excessive currency printing & fiat monies

The black swan was NASDAQ [52 weeks : Low/High 6631/12,074]

How did the stock markets discount trade wars, Covid lockdown, massive disruptions, challenging political & military gamesmanship to managed to outperform the demands of economics? It's 'fakeries' of paper monies that's supporting the 'house of cards'

Beware, be aware & be forwarned

The Great Depression is likely to be a "storm in a teacup" compared to what's coming

However, the Great Depression is long drawn out but the next difficulties will be short but impactful

Greed does not help in preservation, sustenance & continuity ; only honesty will save the day


Singapore is struggling from conformity versus the vigorous need to transform herself

There is a dearth of fresh ideas & good money is thrown after bad

Many private sector enterprises were not duly nor sufficiently supported but foreign bodies gain

Unemployment & under employment of local PMETs increased but the flows of inbound foreignPMETs continue unabated & whose well being is being looked after

How will Singapore turn around in this highly volatile, hugely uncertain & challenging period if locals/citizens are in the bunsen burners? The same old solutions are impotent to any cures

Old habits die hard & stupidity has no cures 


To each his own - you are on your own

COVID is status blind  & there is no reference books on SOPs, command & control

Streetwisdom wins the day

False promises, foretelling, misinformation, scam, cahooting with intent to deceive & abuse...& conning the way to dominate & conquer is a new norm as truths hurt

GOD will not end the world but the foolish Man will

When you are blessed but you abused your position & status to burn the fort with scorched earth policy

You, and all the baddies, shalt perish in GOD's clean-ups

人在做 天在看

There will be fewer Man standing in the new world & these Man are God-chosen, not cronyism 

The material cravings destroy the selfish, self-anointed pariahs who think they own the divine rights to dominate

Some day...soon; the Good will reign

In GOD, I trust






Monday, September 7, 2020

See You In Good Times

 when the autumn leaves drop...

2/3 of 2020 is gone & the plants are shedding leaves in lieu of change

The environment prepares for the wintry cold & incubation, recuperation & hibernation

Shedding & giving up are to prepare for survival ; the blanket of snow will force a change

1st-Half of 2020 was a struggle to survive, accepting & adapting to changes 

The other half is to anticipate the demands created by changes & probable new ways of life


In my 60 years alive, this is one year where all impossibles became possible

Where travels are no longer free & people are locked-in to their respective countries, big & small

Birds & animals were caged as pets but humans are 'caged' to minimize contamination & for survival

Covid & natural disasters wipe out many survival supplies; food, land, incomes, livelihoods but not Man

Man's folly will  wipe out Man

There is no room for human's selfishness & greed

The grandeur Nukes, when exchanged, will scorch & contaminate Earth

Whoever you are; rich, poor, famous, unknowns, powerful, paupers, illuminatis... will be wiped off  

Hell is not another place but a scorching, burning Earth where water floods toohe

Heaven is where Earthlings coexist & share peacefully instead of self-destruct


Nature has a way of doing things; i was forced into a retreat & slowdown, recuperate, review, reassess & realize my follies of "achieve at all costs within my means" - the positive, grit-filled energies


Being down is just a 'slow down', not terminal


Pick up, drop the weaknesses & build on the strengths; the same solution to the same problem is a Fool's ideal

Set backs allow reflections but make strong comebacks - a slow start allow familiarization

No losses are too great than a permanent 'give-up';  天助我也

It is not about the tough, trying times; it's about you being there when the tides turn better


 Foregone...gone are forgotten


Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...