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Thursday, December 8, 2022

Forward & Fortunes In 2023

be fluid; get in, get out..

The stress in life comes from not being able to get what you want (the desired results) within your anointed time

It is not about studying. getting trained, be armed with the necessary skills or simply, just being on time and be there. It is the magical thing called "luck" 天时地利人和 还需要幸运

"That guy is lucky", many quipped - born lucky, the stroke of luck, change of fortunes

A winner is a WINNER by any other definition

MainStreet versus WallStreet : is it luck or skills that turn in profits? It's plentiful of hard work & skills bathe with luck - in a bull market, even the fools make money

Market's direction is often distorted by money hoard - the cartelier can control the market in the short term

The 4-years Cycle call for the market to turn down in 2023, plausibly bottoming out in 2024/5 [previous critical lows can be seen in 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020]

Was there a major 10-years Cycle low in 2017/18? Previous 10-years Cycle lows happened in 1987/88, 1997/98, 2007/08 

Kondratieff Theory : Kondratieff Wave, named after Russian economist Nikolai Kondratieff, refers to cycles, lasting about 40 to 60 years, experienced by capitalist economies.

COVID, together with trade wars, have paralyzed global trades and distorted commodities prices which are made worse by disruption in logistics. Inflation sharply reduced real purchasing power.

The slower but recovering economies, post COVID easing, will be disrupted by increasing interest rates (to damp inflationary pressures); the world is experiencing a Cost-push inflation with an underlying fear that too much fiscal controls will push everyone into a recession

For those who have made (enough) monies in the capital markets, be guarded & take some out to enjoy. The lead-lag time is shortening. Anyone who try to outwit & outperform the market (long & short), timing is the key; be disciplined

For reasons of shortages and the disruption of supplies, I favor commodities or commodity-centric companies

What will 2023 brings? Fortunes favor the brave

Do your homework & cut the cloth to fit the suit - from zero to zero is zero! Build up the fats

If you are starting from nothing but a job (in-hand), put your heart and soul into it & give it your best shot. In the meantime, acquire another skill or a further paper

If you are in business, move away from orthodox 'brick & mortar' approaches and suffuse eSolutions. Be asset & costs light but share your earnings with your staffs by rewarding performances. Your goal-getting manpower is worth every cents deployed.

If you are a trader, impose "tight-stops" but ride the trends; when in doubt, stay out

Aboveall, be prepared, be ready, be forearmed humble. Pounce when the opportunity presents

For every $100 you have, put aside $50 to stabilize the home front & get a peace of mind, $30 invest wisely and the balance $20 is for games, gaming & speculation; you never know!  Choose the asset class(es) that suit your needs

Let us not worry too much about nuke wars and war mongering. If nukes fly & the world ends, we will meet again in the other worlds - Heaven or Hell. 

Leave everything that is beyond our influence and control and allow the future to manifest [If you had been worrying after COVID broke out & do nothing, you've lost more than 1,000 days]


The Great Depression - the long 10 years :  

Roosevelt took office, stabilized the banking system, and abandoned the gold standard. These actions freed the Federal Reserve to expand the money supply, which slowed the downward spiral of price deflation and began a long slow crawl to economic recovery. The Great Depression finally ended in the early 1940s.


Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Bountiful New Year

the year is drawing to an end...

End 2019 heralded the scares of COVID that hounded the world & by 1Q, 2020, the world was paralysed and locked down

Never had it that countries' borders were closed & intra travels were banned 

However, after two years, the environment clears and cleans - flora & fauna flourished, animals regain spaces & multiply and the world slowed...

Global trades were further hampered by trade sanctions, disruptions to logistics, border lockdowns and wars and warmongering 

Fast forward and the world opens slowly by 3Q, 2022 - COVID remains a threat & contagious but was less fatal following which the desire for freedom outweighs the threat of deaths - people start to rebel against lockdowns and quarantines

Economies slowed, businesses folded, jobs & opportunities were getting scarce; the hungry man is an angry man

Cost push inflation, fueled by/with increase taxes, added further woes to the decline in real purchasing power due to unemployment, underemployment and stagnant wages

Internet, work#from#home, eCommerce, eBanking, eCoins & FinTech, deliveries & the gig economy replaced brick & mortar olde businesses & practices in the past 3 years    

There is HOPE

Scams were also made easier with internet - eScams robbed many, including sovereign funds, institutions, the educated & the sundries

Nothing much have changed over the years - many are still hoping "tomorrow will be better"

The lockdowns were chances to upskill & move on & ahead as the world leveled down 

However, the only constant is CHANGE and few grab the opportunity

What will the new year holds? Many and almost every resolutions and hopes were repeated like broken records... "I Will... I Want to... I wish... "

No CHANGE is No Change - nothing changes except when you change

Which came first - the chicken or the egg? Does it really matters so long as the means meet the ends? STOP wasting time over unnecessary questions

The world will never be better if you asked (a question) for the sake of asking

The greedy, selfish, 'gaslighters' & liars will answer a/any question(s) with a question & make you feel inferior & inadequate

They will fan ostracism & their cronies will pile in like vultures to dead bodies - making a meal out of you

Destroying you to eliminate dares and challenges 杀鸡儆猴

If you don't raise question when in doubt but remain pliant & swallow the bitter pill, you're an accomplice who deserves to be fried & crucified

What have you achieved in this whole year(2022), let alone during the leveled down years of 2020-2021? Earth will continues rotating & time will pass whether you change or remain

You may blame the world except yourself and dig in(to) the ground, Karma will find you 因果 - 不做不等于没错

I am an incurable optimist

Do whatever you want & be prepared to receive your harvest 该来的总是回来 

I am not here to change anyone but to go with the flow - I adopt and adapt

The future is mine to plot but Man Proposes, GOD Disposes though 

Stay healthy, happy and contented; the world is for you to conquer

See you soon in the new year 


Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...