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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Life's Journey

death is the end for the dead...

A funeral is not a day in a lifetime but a lifetime in a day - quote

Everyone understands that we need to let go of a dying loved one, especially if he/she is very ill and on machines support

But, the emotional attachments cannot be cut abruptly 

It is best to cry your heart out - the outpouring will ease the pains within 

Tears wash away sorrows and lighten the Soul - letting go is never easy

There should never be (an) "overnight hatred and quarrels"; all differences must be cleared and forgiven before retreating to bed

Tomorrow is always new - to some, tomorrow is not promised

天天难过天天过 ~ 明天会更好 但今天是最好 

 "IF" is the smallest word with the greatest uncertainty while "BUT" is the gravest caveat 

I may be mild-mannered, quiet, tolerant and kind but do not take kindness as weakness

When I hit back, i fight to win - I do not believe in just defending; attack is the best defense

I will not knowingly take advantage of (any) slightest situation as today's winnings maybe tomorrow's sorrows 

The struggling man needs encouragement and support, both mentally and materially, the former being the key to survival

History has many who "almost make it" and some who "made it as helps arrive just in time"

From dusts to dusts; life starts 'timely' and ends 'untimely when due' ~ taking the first and last breathe is natural

Between life and death, living is a choice

Some will make it big, famous and powerful, while most will have satisfying lives and there will still be pockets of poverty and sufferings 

Do good, offer help when able and share your good fortunes行善 and make the world a better place for your fellowmen 人性本善 

When you pass on, many will turn up to say goodbyes and share the fond memories of all the good things that you have done

人死留名 虎死留皮

Interestingly, when you are alive, it's prosper thy future 前途无量 步步高升 but when you pass on, it's have a safe journey 一路走好

Clearly, in life, few seek a safe and healthy journey & everyone seems to be rushing ahead 

I have my fair share of hits and misses & staying as healthy as possible has always been my guiding principle

Death is not scary

Let us all enjoy the fond memories of all who had passed

GOD willing, everyone will succeed within HIS Terms of Engagements


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