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Sunday, August 27, 2023

Restart Is A Choice

retrieving your own peace & purposefulness...

In the metaverse, it is not like you can opt to be alone from your surroundings

Positive begets positive and negative begets negative - quite clearly the power of attraction is infinite

You cannot run away from Karma neither can you run away from Destiny, though to a very large extent Destiny can be changed ... a little

For example, you are trained as a doctor or a lawyer but you wanted badly to be a Chef & you blazed yourself into the kitchen; someday soon, you become an accomplished Chef. Instead of saving lives or fighting for rights, you filled their stomachs ~ your Destiny is to Serve & you did

But, it is said that "before you achieve your goal & glory", you need to fall to the trough! Why so & why must misery precedes happiness? Guess, the only palpable reason is victory tastes sweetest, an aftertaste of bitterness

In the pursuit of our goals, every thoughts are doable and every steps taken is one step nearer to success ... few have doubts of their intent and methods

The metaverse goes into full swing to commingle realities from dreams; distractions, obstacles, disruptions, (im)possibilities rise, doubts and hopes 

Providence is the ultimate stop

Within our own abilities, much can be accomplished

It is never easy to ward off all the distractions and disruptions and the least draining method is to "ignore them" completely; easier said than done though

Everyone of us has a way of de-stressing and there is "no one best way to fit everyone" ~ live and let live

When you did not hear from your friends for a while, give a call, send a message or drop in for a visit if not out of concern, at least, to know all's well. It doesn't matter if you get a less than appropriate response

Anxieties, insecurities, anti-social behaviors and total retreat, aka hermitness, are signs of inabilities to manage and live with the surroundings 

It's best to leave them alone but a good listening ear helps

I... I prefer to retreat into reading books, listening to music or wandering in the wilderness, away from humans

Let me breathe away my seemingly untamable challenges

I shalt always return as the new fighting-fit Soul; ready and prepared

In my ivory silo, i find peace 

Let go... let go of everything and the needful will form ~ then restart is a choice

Saturday, August 12, 2023

All Problems Have Solutions

ignoring your surroundings is the hardest ...

It is easy to say "just ignore them"

The more you are aware of what's happening around you, the harder it is to ignore the repeated waves of interruption, interventions and disruptions

You may avoid head on confrontation 依柔阻抗 to minimize or eradicate the impact but, unless absolutely necessary, give a wholehearted, forceful, no-holds-bar fight   

Fight or flight is a survival instinct 

In this turbulent period amidst changing times, observe the situation, avoid direct confrontation, gather & build strengths, 'kill with a silver bullet'; there is no room for mercy

Do or die is a choice ~ never do and die ~ preserve to fight another day

Withdraw or sidestep from the situation and let the masterminds wear out their stamina. That is an 'energy saver' ~ allow the enemy to self-destruct & used up their resources 空城计

I find it very draining to react to every instances while trying to salvage the situation... now, I will let the situation collapse, then rebuild ~ from the ashes come the phoenix

When it is not painful enough, everyone is self-righteous and self-entitled and nobody understand the value of "loss" 

When the ill-winds blow, stay inside until it blew over - the mighty old oak tree fell in the storm whereas the blade of grass dances in the wind

We may not have immediate answers to all problems but we will find some in due course

Anxieties, depression, sleepless nights, overly worried ... are threats to normal life and living; the mental state will crack and crash & the direct casualty is you, YOU, Yourself

Worry not! You can be concerned but need not be overly worried as there are solutions to all problems, if not now, soon 不是想不到 而是还没想到

Life is not just about lockdown, lack of freedom and opportunity, immobility, threats, fears... it's about survival and surviving well when others are struggling

Complains do not solve problems neither is blaming others... make the bed and you lie on it

The odds of getting pregnant is 120m sperms to one egg and many didn't make it & at most times, when asked what are your chances of passing or winning, most will say 50/50

So, we, the HUMAN, are born to Win

Rest if you must but never quit - some nights do seem darker than others but day break comes quick enough to lighten everyone's Soul

If it is too dark and cold, sleep in 

Going to sleep is your choice but getting up is by GOD's grace

When you don't get up, your problems are passed on; you're dispensable. So, why worry? Nobody is born to work as we only work to live

To be cruel is to be kind - sometimes, just drop the bagful of 'burdens' and walk away

GOD has a strange way to let the situation evolve & resolve

Do your best and leave the rest - we all have our roles to play

Don't need to rush. If all your work are done, you shalt return... it is nice to keep some so that you've a little more time on Earth

Take baby steps but giant print and achievement

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...