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Monday, September 25, 2023

Leave Me Alone ~ I'm In Retreat

spring cleaning is almost an everyday affair...

Alas! However I retreat into my cocoon, there are much distraction and disruption

I tried to stay away from quarrels, unwelcome invites, fiends & foes 笑口藏刀, friendship with a motive and the tag-along#free#riders

But, like the breeze, they seep through the cracks

These negative vibes are bad for peaceful habitation

Retreat is not a surrender; it's the chance to recoup, reenergise, reorganise and sustain oneself 

The renewed self will return reformed, more formidable and better received ~ absence makes the mind fonder

Disappear from the scene and make yourself scarce as change will evolve with one factor 'missing', that is "You"

Absence create a mystic self

Total absence causes uncertainties in the opposing fronts - curiosity kills the cat

My life is in an upheaval as I delved too deep into all that are happening, trying to preempt any possible problems ~ the good GOD exclaimed "not everything will unfold according to your plans & solutions", MINE overrides all

By coincidence, I was made aware that a few corp consultancy works that I had 'worked on but weren't engaged nor paid' as others snatched them under my nose have legal and penal issues; one was delisted, two were under investigation by CAD/Sgx, yet another may face delisting

Signals from up there, my good GOD, that not doing may not be the worse

3 days ago, I slipped & fell face down from the last step of the bus... What was stunning was "the right side of my head smashed against the concrete balustrade" but I wasn't hurt. More amazingly, both my ankles were not sprained & i suffered minor bruises on the knees and elbow. Thank GOD & GOODness ~ the Power of Faith 

It was truly draining and the Mind floats listlessly and almost 'snapped' or snapping but, now, my mind is much at ease

The message is "Slow down, retreat into safety until the ill winds blow by and your time shall come." It's the time of change, my life equinox  

Go with the flow and be a blade of grass dancing in the breeze

We will meet when Heaven proclaims随缘天意

GOD is my guardian & bless me with the wisdom to go with the flows of life ~ to meet or to do is a coincidence of wants

Whatever I achieved is a gift from GOD; I am the receiver of blessings
Working hard is a norm & necessity

To achieve mental equilibrium is to stay away from everyone to find peace and realignment in turbulent times

Please leave me alone from time to time

Monday, September 11, 2023

Stock Markets, Your Money & The Crystal Ball

money don't grow on trees... crystalballing

There are early indicators that the capital markets are due for a major correction (credit: chart is adapted from another source)
However, between now and mid-Oct, it's likely to be trading at range bound, with minimal upside

Long term investors and those 'in the money' trades should will do well to take profits and exit; nobody goes poor by taking profits

Separately, the commodities markets are turning up (positive) due to shortages, disruption of supply chain, logistics kinks and trades sanctions despite higher holding costs, including interest rates. 

With an unflattering contraction of global economies, higher costs, increase unemployment, political and economic confrontation, the world's economies will recess, then enters the deflationary era.

Unfortunately, the cure is a "war of sorts" whereupon massive destruction trigger reconstruction and  a reset of currencies unless the world leading economies and leaders decide & agree to set aside their differences and work toward global peace and prosperity

December, 2008 (I wrote) - For the brave, its still a trade in the bear. For those who have cash, it is also time to bargain hunt - put some into companies whose price are 'bombed-out' and is a fraction from their peak. Unfortunately, like all investment, the risks are real; just pray hard that your chosen one is not bankrupted before you cash out. If you are prepared to get into the market, be prepared to ride long haul or at worst case, your money bites the dusts! 

Wall Street/DJIA was near 7000points in March, 2009 & S&P500 was near 900points As at Friday's (8th Sep, 2023) closed, DJIA was 34,576 & S&P500 was 4,457

Over the years, I have written about time cycle movements, elliot wave theory, the lunar and solar eclipses, technical and fundamental analysis and how these affect the turning points of capital and money markets with good accuracy.

The coincidence of turning point @ 4-year cycle (some like to call this the "election cycles"), 10-year cycle, 20-year cycle and the 60-year cycle are uncannily sharp. Besides, when the Lunar eclipse coincide with cyclical lows or highs, the drop is sharp(er) and the reverse (upswing) is true in a Solar eclipse.

Are we near the 'scare-season' where wealth changes hands? You can't be far and it can be fleetingly fast too

You read it here:

Markets should see a sharp cliff-like drop before the year is out, followed by a rebound. In early 1Q, 2024, the markets will attempt to retest the 2023 lows BUT by 2Q, 2024 will see meaningful rebound lead by the new economy, quiet confidence & reparations

Adapted: credit to the chartist

This olde chart has been circulating for some time; it's displayed as a good reference

Everyone wants to make money but few want to do their homework

Apart from technical and fundamental analysis, the money and capital markets are largely influenced by psychology:

* Herd response is a surest sign of turning points

* Every players love to loss

* When cautiousness and calculated risks are thrown to the winds, the drop or collapse is evidently more severe  

Cash is King but perishable. It's purchasing power declines and when confidence evaporates, flight to safer haven is inevitable

I reserve commenting the ups or downs of any specific index as the global economies are entrenched in a quagmire. For those with deep pockets or spare cash, the thoughts of 'easy picks' may present 

Index as at current/today:

Nikkei 32,475        HangSeng 17896

DJIA 34,576          Nasdaq      13,761

UK Ftse 4,072        Stic      3,211

KLSE    1,452        ASX    7,163

[This is NOT an investment advise. For leisure reading only]



Monday, September 4, 2023

An Honest Person Is Always Bullied

being nice and kind is not a sign of weakness...

Walking away from an/any argument is not a sign of weakness but to deflect unnecessary disturbances, disruption and derange challenges

Never fight with a/the pig; it loved to be dirtied

Direct your energy towards positive utilization - fighting back, complaints, resisting challenges, spending wasteful resources on unworthy distractions will only drain off ourselves

Empty your mind and start afresh

In life, we are faced with many challenges and, at most times, we will fall to the next lower rung, not cliff-like

But, not everyone is so lucky 意外和明天不知哪个先到

Those who treads with high octane volatility, their falls are almost always cliff-like

Can you take the intensity of pressures of high speed traders, position takers, death squads commandos, hostage negotiators, or for that matter, a single mother rushing between putting food on the tables and her crying baby? There is simply little, to no, room for errors; FATE test you once & ... only once  

Do whatever you want but be prepared to accept the consequences; there is no "IFs" or "BUTs"

Many scheme against others and against the Order of Nature yet when misfortune befall them, they blame everyone except themselves

You can fight fire with fire and takes the bull by it's horns but if you're not brutally forceful, the consequences are worse... letting him go is being compassionate but giving him the chance to avenge his defeat may be your downfall

Reality is always cruel

When the frog is enjoying the 'spa of boiling water', it's wisdom is traded for comfort. Slowly but surely, the water will boil and the frog will be cooked

When the rat suckled the sweet icy pops as it freezes, the sweetness takes away logic & survival instincts; being frozen is the end game

Laws Of Nature

因果不能改 You cannot change Destiny - though the degree of slight variation is possible

智慧不能给 Wisdom cannot be given - it must be imbued

妙法不可说 (Heavenly) Solutions cannot be shared

不信不可度 You cannot change nor save someone who have NO Faith (Don't believe)

 Am I timid? No

Am I afraid of the consequences? No

I believe my journey through Earth is temporary and I'm on a Redemption Journey - to make good at every possible opportunity and, sadly too, to witness others' pretensions, failures and retributions

I Don't hit back nor seek revenge but if I do, I will do so with brutal honesty

Many a times, alas, my retreat was seen as my weakness...

I am who I am; like the blade of grass dancing in the wind


Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...