life comes and goes while winning and losing are norms...
Life started nakedly and returns 'as it is', suitably clothes
You bring nothing here and you return empty handed
Economics is not an exact science and it's predictability is influenced by the X-factor; the changes in human behavior. Economics' Ceteris Paribus - "with other conditions remaining the same; other things being equal"
Human is a migrative and mobile animal and the only constant is 'change'; henceforth economics is a social science
The earlier you accept change and inequality as norms, the happier your life will be
People talk and gossip and the toxic ones smear ~ remember; brick and stones break bones, not words. Ignore them and gives no attention 厚脸皮是最无敌
Sometimes, we over-provide, cares too much, try to be perfect and adamantly deliver our promises only to be 'milked and betrayed', then what? Regret? Fumed? NO, No... Let go your magnanimity and 'stupidity' and learn to be miserly on 'trying to be too good' to doing enough and being practical
放下笨己 立地成精 难的糊涂
Do your best and leave the rest [to GOD]. If you did not do your best and fail, the problem is "YOU"
Man cannot be consistently happy nor sad but if any preferred thoughts are ingrained knowingly, the etched mind follows
Emotions have to be managed & there is a most appropriate time 待时而动 to response
无助感 Do not make too hefty demands on oneself & go with the flows; there is no perfection nor permanence
无力感 When you are, or get, defeated too often, you'd resigned to fate 心有意而力不足 Change your approaches and redirect your energy but still Go With The Flow
Come whatever may, remain resilient, positive, cool & calculated and awaits (your) opportunity
In life's journey, count your blessings
When you have not expectations, you will have lesser to nil disappointments
As you go along, be prepared to dump "parasites & pests" -types acquaintances
Stay healthy; HEALTH grease life's journey