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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Down But Never Out

Lighthouse Within U

If you are clueless why you are so bored
Get up and do some physical exercises; a run along the park,
Smell the scent of flowers, bathe in the early morning breeze, listen to the birds chirp
Rediscover the value of your surrounding

If you are feeling restless, slow down
Why are you hurrying towards the end when you don't even enjoy your journey forward?
Slow down and savor the environment, watch the insects pollinate the flowers
Feel the freedom of flocks of birds flying over the horizon
Or the little caterpillar munching on a leaf
We all have reasons to live and do live to the fullest

Nature is filled with demos for you to reflect
The mad rush, the idle time, the inconsequential chats, the senseless complaints...
Alas! These are negative ions

Move away and be revitalized

The sunshine is in your heart; why are you living in the dark?

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