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Friday, March 26, 2010

The Leader

I want to help, but I can't or is it I won't...

I can't save a drowning man as I can't swim
Similarly, how am I to help someone if I am hungry too

I need not be luxuriously rewarded nor paid
But, I definitely need to be adequately compensated

Whats luxurious and whats adequate

Anthony Yeo, 'Singapore's father of Counselling', always felt he has enough as he led a fulfilling, satisfied and wholesome life; helping many a broken soul find strengths and rebuilding from scratch 

Hong Kong entrepreneur and philanthropist Li Ka-shing donated S$100 million to help train future leaders to raise governance standards in their respective countries; a sum many of us don't get to count as our own in our lifetime. But, he does so as he believe in a good cause

Mother Theresa lived with, and provided harbour for, the poorest, sickest and unwanted and least desirable
Her saintly act may not have dented the corrective social order of the poorest but it definitely left traces of hopes for the 'hopeless'

Let us not run away from helping our fellow beings
Nor make unnecessary demand to get a job done well
Money cannot buy health and happiness and surely if its to be buried with you upon death, it has no value
Money is valueless only if its a means to an end

Go lead the poor out of poverty
Go lead your men to the Kingdom of Hope & Success

No war can be won without foot soldiers
And little can be accomplished with empty stomachs

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