When you refuse to admit your fault, you will never be wrong! Sure, you will also never have a chance for repentence
When things go wrong, it is easier to point finger at others
But, for every one finger you point, the other four are pointing toward you
Only excuses are offered when you are in self-denial
No reasons have ever been extended because the weak delve in excuses
To hide their own weaknesses and self-serving motives, they will try to convince the world of their 'worthy' acts
Tyrants and dictators will see things only in one perspective; their OWN, one and only view
For those who pleases them, they will be richly rewarded; nevermind the 'emperor without clothes'
For those who opposes and offer alternative views, however constructive, punishment and disincentives await
It is positive to be determined and single-minded when attempting tasks
It is quite another and negative, if that's stubboness in disguise
I cannot change your mind neither will I try
I only pray that when the show ends, no one gets hurt
A coward uses threats and violence
A wiseman uses his brain to undo the coward
Time will tell
Why wait till your beloved and your most loved dies
The right of views and to be heard is not sacred if its baseless and without reasonableness
Think again...
Think hard
When life passes, you can never repent, let alone make good all that is lost
Make life alittle easier and the heart alittle lighter...for you and for ALL
Everyone needs space and when you push someone to a corner, the only way out is to react
You will never know the strength and force of a 'weakling'... but it is definitely not worth finding out
When things go wrong, find a solution NOT a fall guy
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