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Sunday, April 10, 2011


Falling sick is not a crime neither does anyone ask for it...

When you fall sick, pray, and ask if, its curable
If it is, complete the treatment and take your medicines
If its not but containable, take your medicines and go into damage control
Change your lifestyle and adopt changes to minimize deterioration

Most importantly, do not slide into your cocoon and avoid the World at large nor engage in self-denial

Seek cures in alternate medicine if mainstream fails
Most people don't die from their sicknesses; they worry themselves to the graves
If all else fails, there is still HOPEs...

It is expensive seeking treatment可以死不能生病
But, no man will die because he is poor
Its best to remain fit and healthy...but, alas! sometimes its Sophie's choice

When you are sick, get back to basics; sunshine, water, rest, air, exercise and diet
Worrying is poison to the mind, medicines act as antidotes 

Live as normally as possible - a stress-less state 

In a disordered mind, as in a disordered body, soundness of health is impossible - Cicero

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