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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father The Provider

Father - the father figure never seems to have a position in 90% of families

This World is made for women

When the baby is born, they asked "How's the mummy?"

When the woman gets married, the asked "Is the bride pretty?"

When the man dies, they asked "How much did he leave behind for you?"

All women wants equality; pay, status, recognition ...
When it comes to moving heavy things or making painful decisions, "Hey, where are all the Men? Where have they disappeared to?"

The Father is the Hunter
He hunts and provide for the family
But, like the King of the Jungle, he is as lame and vulnerable when old and ill
Alas, anthropologically speaking, Man dies ahead of woman when his energy ()is used up; have you ever wonder why Emperors die young?

There is a song that honor Mothers "世界只有妈妈好"
How lucky & how honoured?"

Fathers are here to Provide, to Give and to Depart when all duties are fulfilled

Mothers are here to Protect their young and the 'youthfulness' and the 'baby-like' of every Man; alas, Man are but grown up babies...

Asked any happy families; "Who is the Boss in the Home?" The answer will surprise you...maybe!

They say all Men fall into the category of MCP....
How true!
Mummy Controls Papa

Happy Father's Day

Wishing everyone a Happy, Healthy & Harmonious Family Get-together

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