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Monday, October 31, 2011

November - Winter

Winter can be alluringly beautiful yet harsh...

The last leave of October shall make way for November tomorrow; a mere two months before 2012 arrives
The Northern winds will send cold and chills southwards
As Autumn leaves, trees shall go bald

Leaves-less trees and warmth winter warms the Souls
We are forced to slow down, walk slower while insects and snakes hibernate
Steps; a step at a time down the slippery winter roads

What have I done since Spring, Summer and with Autumn departing soon? Nothing much
I live fruitfully and wholesomely the way I wanted to
My Way is not necessarily everyone's way

I live with a clear conscience, with focal determination and with zest
Never trying to be Bill Gates nor Steve Jobs, definitely not Lee Hsien-Loong or Tony Tan
I did not, and cannot even, be like the McAunty and McUncle

I can only be myself as all of us are made differently and have different roles to play on Mother Earth

I have never wanted to be Nelson Mandela nor Liang Wengen or Wee Cho Yaw
Neither Bernard Madoff nor Michael Milken
My make, my role and my destiny ... we are who we are and everything happens for a reason

I love winter
I take stock of my life and slows down with Mother Nature
Its also the time when I look back and say 'Holy Ghost, this year is no different from the last! All that I had planned to do I had done but the end results were not what I had bargained for. Not necessarily any worse"

I guess its the same everywhere and for everyone
Man proposes, GOD disposes

And, I am glad to say "I am as happy, contented and healthy as ever" Success or failure is a State of Mind. If I cannot be the oak tree, I shall be the grass; dancing, bending and flowing healthily and steadfastly.

You CAN too

Watch this show by written and directed by Woody Allen "Whatever Works"


Anonymous said...

a lovely peom with depth and I supposingly for all who did a service for other in need and not asking for returns.
Yes everyone has a role , a different role and important one too! Everybody plays a part in this big stage

KK Ling said...

a lovely peom with depth and I supposingly for all who did a service for other in need and not asking for returns.
Yes everyone has a role , a different role and important one too! Everybody plays a part in this big stage

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