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Saturday, November 12, 2011

My Life, Your Destiny

How am I going to live the rest of my life?

Life was tough when I was young
I worked in the morning if I need to go to school in the noon
I worked from noon through night if I studied in the morning
Time was tough, no doubt, but I have no time for worries
I lived happily, hastily I grew up.

Work was tough and pay was poor in recessionary time
Bosses took advantage to milk their staff and I was no exception
I was a top producer but salary was meagre and welfare none
I multi-tasked, learnt all that I could, read widely and never complain
I imbued new skill sets, learned psychology and humbly accept criticisms
From ashes, I evolved into a phoenix.

Sincerely, honestly and diligently, I progressed
Time flies and, before I knew it, I was promoted
Salary, status, rank and fame ...
You name it and I have it
But, my world crashed at my peak!

I lost everything except my family; their selfless support saw me through; thick and thin
I paid a very high price and 'bite the bullet', took the punches, laid low and marked my time for someone's else folly
I came back, done well and prospered again
I have more time for my family, enough to go round and can live reasonably comfortably .. But, without much work, I have time for WORRIES

Setbacks are few, successes aplenty! Nobody set out to fail but there are days when flood water rises, the Earth gives way, fire rages through - there are simply things that's beyond us and our control

I'd rather be busy upgrading, learning new things, conquering new frontiers than to indulge in worries!

What will tomorrow bring for/to me? I will never know!

Life never gives me certainty as answer nor choice
But, I rather be busy than spend time worrying

You can take over all my worries. I am good at being busy!

Need my help or care to share? Call me!

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