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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Conscripts, NS & NSman

I shall defend Singapore with my life...

Pay for ...
- talent
- private time
- sacrifice
- intrusion and loss of family warmth

The NS (Amendment) act was passed on 14 March 1967,

From Oct 2009, conscripts pay ranges from S$420 - S$2,020 for recruits to the rank of Captain -

Boys from the age of 18 years old upwards are conscripted to serve and disrupted from their educational pursuits. There is no denial that these are the most productive and active years of youths and for foundation building - the key to future successes.

In today's context, where wars are fought using technology and lesser of foot soldiers, why wouldn't/shouldn't we contemplate

i) shortening NS stint further (Taiwan has done so)
ii) allow all, if not most, who are accepted for tertiary studies to be disrupted from NS and to serve only after they finish their studies (afterall, PRs have a choice whether to serve or not to serve and we are allowing only deferment) and
iii) pay higher allowances than the meagre S$420 - S$2,020; their defend Singapore with my life... cannot be any cheaper nor imputed
iv) given free transportation to all NS conscripts
v) deployment of professional in lieu of NS conscripts

Our Singaporean sons are born and bred here and are ready to defend our Motherland, by choice or circumstances, unlike fresh immigrants/PRs. Their lives and commitment are no less precious and valued than the pursuit of equivalent-commercial dollars and compensation seek by the public and private sectors.

When a young life is lost during training or exercise (by accident), no amount of compensation is good enough to the aggrieved family, let alone paltry insurance covers.

Besides, our Singaporean sons are disadvantaged by the influx of cheap foreign graduates flooding our country. For example, a Malaysian boy, who finishes his SPM and proceed to do a twinning degree to pursue LAW studies would graduate at age 20.

By the time our Singaporean son finishes his Law degree, and pupillage, he will be at least 24 years old or more, His Malaysian cohort who works here will already be a Senior with FOUR years experience!

Is our Singaporean sons adequately compensated for their sacrifices?

Shouldn't we seriously think Singaporean first; for Singaporean by Singaporean?

Let's give our Singaporeans sons a fair starting point and not be penalized for their selfless sacrifices. if we cannot take care of ourself, who will?

Spare a thought for our Singaporean Sons.

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