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Thursday, July 5, 2012

The World Shall End

Many have tried, none were successful in predicting the end of the World ...

Why worry about end of the World or the 2nd coming when U don't even know if it will rain tomorrow?  The weaknesses of human alas!
The basic of life and living is air, water and food
You came naked and shall return likewise; from dusts to dusts

The glory, the material comfort, the fame, the accolades, the powers
It come and go
Stock markets rise, then collapses. Riches were found and lost
Empire comes and goes

Live well and live fruitfully; live to the fullest
Tomorrow shall come but you might not be around
You may have your money stacked above your height but if you are sick and immobilized, counting your days; is it of any use?人在天堂,钱在银行
We are here but once; when I past this place, I may never return again

The scams, the con jobs and the lies will never hurt you if you are not tempted nor greedy
All promises are, but a, promise until delivered
The glares of fame, showmanship, illusions are porous and hold no water
Everyone claims to be doubly clean, even sanitised! It's a world of 'do whatever you want but don't get caught'

Why worry if the World will or will not end? You will be long gone before anything of such happens
With today's madness and selfishness, the World will self-destruct with our tonnes of nuclear and nuke-powered plants,
The supposedly oppressed, though minority in numbers, will find equalizer-games like 9/11 & Aum Shrinkyo; what will it be liked if they obtain nuke, dirty-bombs and potent viruses
With persistent pollution, we can't have a healthy Earth

Change; we shall
Adapt; we will

Keep your smiles, think positively, live healthily and have a purposeful living

If the World ends, we may meet again in another world ... in another form
I am sticking around

To all GOD loving, GOD bless
No one has ever seen GOD - He could be an imaginary Being bathing us with clouds of peace, sanity & harmony

I always feel He is around ... do U?

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