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Sunday, September 15, 2013

September - where I look back & found nothingness

It's Autumn
Leaves are dropping in preparation for winter; the survival instinct of Mother Nature
With lesser to no leaves, there is more retention of water - the life source

What have I done over three quarters of the year - many things but mostly chasing my own tail
Not that I am silly but I am chasing my dreams filled with hopes
Hope - the power that drives everyone towards a possible, not impossible but "I-M-Possible"

In this early hours of Sunday morning where many are still sleeping & resting
I am up & awake looking towards tomorrow
I stay awake to watch this world goes by; I guess, when the time comes for me (& everyone) to rest, its permanent

It's hope that motivates us
It's prayers that keep us warm & hopeful
It's in us to look forward to a 'blissful' tomorrow

I have 'been there, done that' with some setbacks but peppered with successes
Do whatever you want & do not look back with regrets
Forward & onward we progress as time & tides wait for no man

Tomorrow is beautiful
Today is excellent
Yesterday over

Go! Chase your dreams & rainbows
Climb the highest mountain & swim the deepest ocean
Everything is possible in your life

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