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Friday, January 3, 2014

Stock Market 2014

Someone said that the 1986 calendar can be reused this year - 2014
I wonder if that also signify fairly similar events; collapsed (New World) hotel, recession, financial scandal...others
If that is a reflection, we will not enjoy the Capricon effect as then there was only a dead cat bounce

1st quarter 2014 will still enjoy a rebound
We will have a turbulent April & a challenging October
As most major markets should top up by first quarter
Cash is king

A strengthening US$ is detrimental to economic recovery
China will be too caught up with skirmishes from political & military gamesmanship nearby
EU will still be struggling; both to hold everyone together & to keep the Euro afloat
Mid-East will regain prosperity brought along by wars but with power struggle aplenty

Russia will be the decider & 'balancer' in geopolitical areas
Japan is rising but Russia will determine & limits her ambition
Surprisingly, China, N Korea, S Korea & Taiwan will be drawn closer together as history is revisited
The growth region is Asia & China will rise like the Phoenix

Opportunities abound as geopolitical re-balancing takes place

Everyone wants to make money but few do their homework
Bro prepared for the unexpected
Find the dark horse gem amongst the rot
Blue chips are no longer blue as they saddle under their own weight

Bless are those who are healthy
Happiness trolls health; been there, done that
The stock market can be rewarding if only you can buy, sell(short) & be patient
Market travels in cycle & the good shall return

Do well
See you when market rebounds

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