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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Share & Let The World Be A Better Place

old but reliable...

There are many who think 'old' is synonymous with uselessness, dependence, immobility and 'discardable' ~ kinda of a sin
The situation is exacerbated by some Government's perception and representation of the old as dependents
Strangely, the world over, politicians are valued higher as they aged but not the working class
Wisdom is not a monopoly of the political class

Why would the world that dismantle the class-divide be divided again in this age? This is the problem of a hugely differential income-gap
The Gini Coefficient is getting larger
The Pareto Principle no longer exists [see below]

Just 62 people, 53 of them men, own as much wealth as the poorest half of the entire world population - or 3.6 billion people - according to a report released by anti-poverty charity Oxfam. 
And the richest 1 percent own more than the other 99 percent put together.Jan 17, 2016 

Are you poor or are you made poorer due to a clenched-up tax system and a less accommodating ruling class?
Are the commoners electing Reps to lord over them?
Are we living in a make-believe world where promises are made but seldom delivered?
Can anything be done to un-do the situation?
There are no clear answers...

Look at this photo ; an ancient river still thrives with high rise buildings in the background
Ancient is old but without water, there's no life
Without the elders and aged, where do you young & younger ones come from? The old exists for a purpose & are an oasis of experiences

Today's elders are generally healthier, better off and more mobile
The poor are not beggars and always prefer to lead a simple life
The rich & powerful attempt to dominate the commoners but this will last as long as there are enough to go around
The rich cannot live in a sea of poor

The poor may suffer willingly within their endurances & take the punches
The middle class just look toward 'alittle' luxury after much struggle
Why would the elites and ruling-class think they can overrun and dominate the mass? There must be empathy, fairly equal sharing and plentiful to go around

 No man's an island

This world will be a better place if everyone 'care, share and give' instead of hoard
The youths have time and energy; go forth and multiply and 'conquer the world'
The Mid-ages are holding the forte, growing the pie and supporting the ecosystems
The elderly are an oasis of experiences & a guidance to preempt untimely failures

Whether its Ruling Class, Working Class or the Commoners ~ you come naked & can never bring along whatever you hoard
Man proposes; God disposes
Be fair; take what's rightfully yours but leave plentiful to others
Rich or poor, you cannot bring along & nothing is absolute

Live & Let Live

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