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Monday, October 17, 2016

Life Is Like A Boat In The Ocean

...when the tides come in

The 5 oceans and 7 continents
Pacific ocean, Atlantic ocean, Artic ocean, Indian ocean & Southern ocean
Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America & South America
Man lives on land and are connected by waterways
75% of Earth is filled with water but drinkable waters are few

Modern days connectivity has made the world smaller, communication faster & time compact
Many believe that technology assists mankind and make life easier
But, but...the reverse is obvious
There are 7 billion + people on Earth; an Earth made smaller by crowd & technology
The challenge to rule and dominate the world become all the more urgent

The richest 1% of the world's population now owns 50% of its total wealth - Suisse Credit
62 richest billionaires control 50% of the world wealth - Oxfam
The gap between the rich and poor is getting bigger
We are like boats when we were born; sampans, tongkangs, yachts, catamarans, cruise..
We ride the economic waves like that of the seas

The UPs & DOWNs - many venture into the voyages onto the unknown
Small boats cannot ever try the high seas while larger boats fear the stormy seas
Even cruises have to avoid the 'eye of the storm'; the Titanic did not make it past her maiden voyage not because of storm but an iceberg
The Blue Navy rules the world but none can survive the wrath of Nature
Like many of us, we grow, are empowered, gain strength, knowledge and wisdom to venture into the future 

Always sail with a compass and live with a goal
The newfoundland are few in a world of 7 billion
Instead of cannibalizing the world economy, we should adopt the 'Blue Ocean' strategy; the need to carve a niche in a crowded market place
There are opportunities if everyone care to share but it's getting scarce
For each, his own; tomorrow is never promised

Our live journey is one that begins and must end 生老病死
Like the boat, it shall wear & tear over time and decay in due course & return to dust
Victory and glory are nice but short and sharp; many are forgotten and cast into the annuls of history 成仅拥有
Have compassion, empathy, care & share
GOD will relieve you of Earthly bondages

So long as you are contented and willing to share - the world will be a better place
The 'wealthy one' cannot live in a 'sea of poors'
A General without Soldiers is worse than blunt knife; useless
The selfish and self-righteous will not dominate & rule in due course
Death - the Leveller

Be a 'Love Boat' basking in the peaceful environment rather than a aircraft carrier caught in the midst of battle - deception self-destruct

You may be born poor but need not remain - the world is yours to conquer
But, choose your waterways for the small boat cannot sail into the open seas
Be Contented
Be Compassionate 
The more you share the further you shall sail

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