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Friday, November 4, 2016

Emotions & Bondage

when Man is rid of emotions, life becomes ...

However impactful and moving one treats you, it shall all pass
The overaching feel diminishes over time as new persons and events overtake
Or, when one has enough of you; 'tire' is the word
When parting is sudden, the pain is bad
Alas... nothing is permanent

In Christianity, dying is a passage to be with GOD
In Buddhism, dying is a delivery against bondage & obligations 生老病死
There is no regrets in passing but the living need to live on ...& live fruitfully
Material well-being evaporates with death; you do not bring along
From dust to dust

Helping others and being helpful have their attendant risks
Being taken advantage of, being made use of & being accused of ...are loads of negative rewards
We hardly see the need to be rewarded but vanity sweeps some off their good intent
When help is rewarded 'in kind', it has a tendency to become emotionally destructive
From time to time, a little help is the catalyst to recovery

We must rid ourselves of emotions ~ the bondage of boy-girl relationship undermines peaceful coexistence
It fills life with jealousy, envy, self-denials and undermine trusts
When love departs, hurt returns; why bother to have any love-hate relationship? It's an undoing
Vices like 吃喝嫖赌 emotionally disruptive
Have faith in GOD; humanly emotions are temporary

When the last breathe stops, life expires
The quarrels and tussles expire in godly cases but strives continue to plague those in material squabbles
If life is temporary, why squabble & immerse in sadness & misery? It's Providence
Unless, you unleash calmly and 'let go' your grasp of disgruntleness, disharmony prevails
The kink in your heart is for your to untie, not cut

There will always be feelings of inadequacy, however much you have
The human race cannot be sustained unless human follies and selfishness are minimized and eliminated
The world shall end in the hands of foolishness, greed and denials
It can be STOPPED if, and when, Man repents and restore 'care & share' to humankind
Life need not be miserable; it's all sugar & spice & everything nice

Live your best today & everyday
Free yourself of emotions & bondage
Smile; this lightens up your heart and manifests positive vibes
Stay healthy & harmoniously balance into your environment
We are TEMPORARY; borrowed time, borrowed resources ~ the last breathe is your finale

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