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Thursday, September 28, 2017


loneliness, losing and dying are the biggest fear...

Nothing lasts forever & everything shall comes to an end
If not now, sometime soon
But, why is losing something dear terribly scaring? It's the bondage
We grew use to it and become unduly comfortable
Taking away the norm, the usual, the comfort is fear in itself

When you are poor and hungry, you can hunt and find food
When you have a roof over your head and a family to care for, your stakes increase
When you are rich, famous, powerful & had achieved success, dying becomes a challenge
You are bonded by your desires and earthly needs, the thought of losing all is life threatening

Strangely, when you are alone, you are not lonely
When you bathe in good company & enjoy companionship, life becomes lonely when one departs
The belongings, the longings, the togetherness breed contempt
Bonds and bondages make human/men dependent
If you can give up your earthly wants, you would have achieved half-enlightenment

Fear incapacitates

Empty is not void
Alone is not loneliness

Fear not
Everything is finite
Some day, some time; everything ends
Most importantly, live life to the fullest

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