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Friday, December 22, 2017

Smile & Smiley

the day the world ended ...

I say 'good morning' to many people every morning
It's nice to cheer up the world & to perk up the spirit
Some will response, some find it a nuisance

A few enjoy the spirit-lifting greetings but never responds
I eliminated a guy in my chat group as he never reponds & he said 'Hi, why you take me out? I enjoy the greetings!"
Holy ghosts! There you have a 'close' friend who just enjoy receiving but never cares about others' feeling!

I have been reciting my uplifting messages for years
Not because I am good but because by doing so, I uplift myself
Positive begets positive
The good Lord will always be with you ~ bless & be blessed

The loads of demands and expectations can floor a bull
I am a small built guy & the burden gets heavier by the day
Rightly or otherwise, everyone takes advantage of me
I struggle to keep my smile & I force a smiley fascade
The world loves a winner & I intend to remain

Sad or happy; life goes on

There is no permanence
Life is finite so is day and night
No one can take away what you refuse to submit
Violation has a price; retribution
Live and let live will allow the body and Soul to build up; stay healthy

Smile & the world smiles with you

You can't fly like an eagle if you work with turkeys
You cannot be happy if you are surrounded by depressed people
You will not prosper if all around you only whine, complain, look for excuses and had 'given-up'
Like the brush, your color is the color of the ink
Soak in misery & you are in the dumps

Friends come from all walks of life, space and sizes
Love you, hate you, use you, betray you...
Learn to be wiser as you age
The lessons are the same but by a degree higher
Take it easy...


The best shall come at the right moment  in time
Some day, some how...we will get what we want
But do remember; you can't get apples if you sow banana seeds
Happy days are when you are healthy plus some cash
Even if you have loads of cash but without health, you are still in the dumps
No health, nothing else matters

Stay healthy, stay happy and GOD shall be scarce

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

A Broken Clock Is Right Twice A Day

tick, tock, tick, tock...

Whatever you do, don't worry ~ just do it
If you are determined enough, you will be right after a while
GOD will not forsake you forever; HE will return to 'redeem' HIMself
To proof that HE cares, afterall
The strange thing is many said "GOD helps those who helps themself", then why need HIM? Umm

I always believe HE is somewhere but every time, I truly need HIM, HE's no where to be found
Then, someone quipped "everything happens for a reason"; alas
Everything being fair, I want the upper half
If you do not have too much expectation, you will have lesser disappointments
I never doubt GOD, but I want to get whatever I want; if not where does success come from? Ya!

The truths is I have been waiting for the new, great break
But, everytime I'm told "soon"
Too much failures can be demoralising and undermine my 'samurai spirit'
There are days where starring at the ceiling is a norm but just when I am about to give up, a fresh breeze swings in to warm up my inner-self
I am baffled

Like the broken clock, I am right at times
The most miserable moment is also the most awakening
But, when I compare with my cohorts and those around me, I'm still much better
Or, is it time to give up and goes into the hills to meditate? Hahaha! I am not cut up la
Some day soon, Lady LUCK will returns ~ maybe tomorrow

If my hands are broken at 10 o'clock, I am right in the morning and night
But, I gonna be struggling for the next 11 hours set
That's life
Get use to it, I suppose.
GOD bless me with Abundances and Lucks

Taking Stock & Reviewing Annual Resolutions

whatever  and however you try, there is a possibility of ...

I have long forgotten what is a New Year's resolution
In fact, I don't set any as I review my objectives and intents quarterlyt
My big picture doesn't change but I persistently guide myself along my goal
Many times, it looked extremely promising only to evaporate without the 'ink of the pen'
Frustration, disappointments, disbelieves...but real

Man proposes, GOD disposes

Is there a 'sure' thing? No! Nothing is sure and it was never meant to be ...unless crystalized
In life, I guess, we just keep ploughing and irrigating the fields
Sow the seeds and wait for the 'heavenly blessings'; be it a farmer or a "Jack Ma"
Every good turn deserves another but if luck pans out that could be last turn
We can just be hopeful; do your best and leave the rest

The world loves a Winner

The straight "As" students may not go on to shine just as there are many who "A"s their careers
Jack Ma & Steve Jobs are rare finds but proofs of possibility
The elitism that breed in Singapore, though denied, has no place in Society
Meritocracy is a word of the past when kids are 'boxed up & streamed' in their early ages
When you served detention in NS, your career in Civil & Govt Service ceases

Why sentenced the youths early in their ages, be it streaming or in the NS? Elitism
It is definitely not the fear of competition from late bloomers but an outright 'social engineering'
Casting aside as many in early ages reduce the probability of fiercer competition latee
"White horses" are protected breed
As for the rest, the earlier you walk out of the system, the higher the chances of returning to victory

What have I achieved for the year? Nothing to shout about
But, I have build and sustain my health ~ a fact that no one else can help nor replace
When Steve Jobs was staring at the live-support machines, he was reminded that we are mere mortals
The elites think highly of themselves, rightly so, until the days of reckoning
Death the leveller

If Earth is a living hell, what gains do you get to live longer? The end is usually more devastating
Let the be compassion, care & share
The Earth will be destroyed in a nuke war; whether you are Trump, Kim, Xi or Lee
Live and let live ~ when you save one, its one. When you saved two, its a pair
I would rather live comfortably than in a stress-filled world

Tomorrow is never promised; live your best today

Looking back, I survived a tough and rough world
My sunny island is peppered with problems and elitism where lip services abound
I am hopeful that things will change but the change starts with me because I/we cannot change others
My annual resolutions had been shelved for years
In GOD i trusts

I live a day at a time

My resolution is to remain happy & healthy, comes whatever may

Monday, December 11, 2017

Until I Give Up, I Am Still In The Race

when I am drain dried, I ...

I never give up ~ never
But, if I decided that "enough is enough, I walk away" & fade into memory lane
The broken link is time tested and it is always the strongest link
Jealousy, selfishness, glory-stuffed and flip-flop decisions are most detrimental
Speaking the truth is no longer fashionable nor acceptable
Speaking pleasantries soothe the ears

I dislike dishonorable persons
I detest persons who have agreed to do something but did otherwise
Breaking promises and empty words are the scariest because it disrupt a planned outcome
The uncertainty is introduced
The damages to reputations, preferred solutions and honour are unmendable
More often than not, the bystanders and innocents are hurt

I do not seek glory
I care & share
The worst that can happen is when I give and I realise that I had been tricked in giving, i lost faith
My lost is not monetary but faith in humankind
The theft of honor will prevent me from further contributing to alleviating others difficulties
I am no angel and can recoil back into the safety of my humble abode

Society suffers because of selfish & self-grabbing persons
Power, money and fame ~ are all finite and cannot be brought along into your afterlife
But, the glory and fame is so irresistable
Animals kill for food but humankind can 'kill for fun'
It is not insanity but greed, power, fame and money that kill
Even the religious practitioners are not immune to temptations

It is through the fear of GOD that mankind will repent

Living and being alive meant suffering
All religions preach the need to help your fellowmen overcome sufferings
But, alas, the Church, the Temple, the Synagogue, the Houses of God are ridden with/by rogues
Human will self-destruct when 10% of the richest controls 80% of global wealth
The rich cannot live in a 'sea of poors'
Slaves do not rebel; they undermine the very support of Society

The world will lasts longer if everyone cares to "care & share"
No man's an island
The richest can buy many things but not everything
The grains & food are the domains of the traders
Without the (poor) labourers, handymen and farmers, the fields are barren
Money cannot by anything if nothing is produced

I have faith in humanity but I have greater Faith with GOD

I do not give up but repeated betrayals forced me to be extremely careful
Similarly, repeated failures also dampen my resolve and motivation
From time to time, I need to wriggle into my shell to hibernate
To recuperate & return ready, fighting fit and more prepared to destroy; to fight fire with fire
I am not weak but sincere, humble and forgiving
When I hit back, I fight to win

Either I walk through the baptism of fire or I walk away with indifference

I do not give up; I give away
So long as I am in the race, nothing can stop me
I am the incurable optimist 

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...