tick, tock, tick, tock...
Whatever you do, don't worry ~ just do it
If you are determined enough, you will be right after a while
GOD will not forsake you forever; HE will return to 'redeem' HIMself
To proof that HE cares, afterall
The strange thing is many said "GOD helps those who helps themself", then why need HIM? Umm
I always believe HE is somewhere but every time, I truly need HIM, HE's no where to be found
Then, someone quipped "everything happens for a reason"; alas
Everything being fair, I want the upper half
If you do not have too much expectation, you will have lesser disappointments
I never doubt GOD, but I want to get whatever I want; if not where does success come from? Ya!
The truths is I have been waiting for the new, great break
But, everytime I'm told "soon"
Too much failures can be demoralising and undermine my 'samurai spirit'
There are days where starring at the ceiling is a norm but just when I am about to give up, a fresh breeze swings in to warm up my inner-self
I am baffled
Like the broken clock, I am right at times
The most miserable moment is also the most awakening
But, when I compare with my cohorts and those around me, I'm still much better
Or, is it time to give up and goes into the hills to meditate? Hahaha! I am not cut up la
Some day soon, Lady LUCK will returns ~ maybe tomorrow
If my hands are broken at 10 o'clock, I am right in the morning and night
But, I gonna be struggling for the next 11 hours set
That's life
Get use to it, I suppose.
GOD bless me with Abundances and Lucks
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