...nothing much changes except the date
There is a New Day every day & there is a New Month every month
But, both never garner the excitement & exhilaration of a New Year every year
Why so? Guess, the scarcer it is, the higher it is valued
So, we need not be too generous and caring for they shall be taken for granted
We need not provide too much nor pay too high for they will feel entitled
Abuse comes from familiarity rather than scarcity
Being taken advantage of is painful and distasteful especially if sincerity had been dumped in
Many a times, we say "we have learned our lesson" but we continue to give in
The heart/mind is weak and the exploitation continues
So long as we have compassion, a simple apology from the 'predator' moves the mountain
There are no fools but stupidity has no known cure
A weak heart is 'stupidity in captivity'; easily swayed into submission
The good heart is blessed although hurt
Looking forward 2018 ~ 2易0定1要8发
sounded like ~ Easy 2 Sure 0 Want 1 Prosperous 8
I don't think 2018 is any easier
In fact, I would postulate that 2018 will tougher and rougher
It is the "calm before the storm"
The uncertainties had gathered strength & shall implode at the slightest provocation, stockmarkets included
The US had reduced taxes and many industries will flow back & someone got to loss
US recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's Capital & the backing of Saudi against Iran, Syria, others are explosive gunsmanship, not just gamesmanship
US & NATO manoeuvre against Russia in Eastern European theatres are provocative
US adventures in Asia-Pacific or Indo-Pacific are intrusive
A military war by accident or an economic war arising from protectionism will be disastrous
China and Russia will not sit-by idly when the first shot is fired; economic or military
If ever a war breaks out in North Korea, China will encircle & secure Taiwan before taking a second look at North Korea
If Japan were ever to be provoked to go to war with China, all Asian nations will back China, especially those who suffered during Japan occupation as the ghosts of 2WW still hurt and haunt
We are living with higher degrees of uncertainties than many would imagine
Worry not, though
The next major war will end all wars & reduce the human race to a manageable level
When the dusts settle, the world will be a safer place
It is not all bleak and doom
There are many sane men and leaders around
Good shall outwit the bad and the ugly
Sure, there will be turbulence but it's darkest before the day breaks
We will make it back well, alive and "with everything nice"
After destruction is prosperity; no other possible outcome when you already hit rock bottom
Wars inevitably start on economic reasons, say whatever you like
Hold tight, belt up
The best is yet to be
Sufferings must come before emancipation of mankind returns
I do not think a major will break out but an 'economic war of sorts' is inevitable
Trickle-down economics will lead to anarchy
Man has lived long enough but few have learnt their lessons
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