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Monday, March 26, 2018

Live Simply

all that glistens is not gold...

Health and time are worth more than their weight in gold
Gold can never buy you health nor extend your life
Stay healthy, be happy and lightens up your heart
Live your best today

 一寸光阴一寸金 寸金难买寸光阴

History is filled with rich, famous and powerful people but none are immortals

Do not take yourself too seriously & always laugh away your errors and missteps
Eat, drink and live in moderation
It does not matter how others see, or pass comment on, you
Long after you are not around, you'd be forgotten
Do not owe others nor be bonded by materialism as we arrived naked & shall return the same
You bring along nothing

Have you ever wonder why you cry on birth & others cry when you pass on? Haha😈😋😋
You cry because you knew you are here to suffer 生老病死
They cry because you are not around to share the burden
That's reality
Enjoy every moments of your life & live life to the fullest

There are no fools in this world but stupidity has no known cures
Whatever happens, you came alone & will return lonely
Nothing belongs to you; your house, car, money, friends, family...
Some day everything has to part
富 - 富要富的明白 
穷 - 穷要穷得清白
Giving back to Society is the best
You need not worry about 'bringing anything back'
You live by your own Rules

We must learn to live simply
At worst, we can still live with one one meal, water and the basics
Everything goes in cycles and tough times don't last
Like day and night, some day, somehow...the light returns

Smile & the world smiles with you
Smile is a language that everyone understands; whatever your nationalities and wherever you come from

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