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Thursday, February 21, 2019

I Thought I Was Smart

smarting from inadequacies ...

There is no monopoly of knowledge & ingesting knowledge is infinite
The flood of new knowledge in blockchain, AIs & IOTs have accelerated change 
This is the source of stress; where time, knowledge and space are compacted
I have been an avid reader of topics far and wide but I am also feeling the grip of inadequacies
There are so much to learn yet 24hours is non-expandable
Time is finite but knowledge is almost infinite ...

Time and tides wait for no man is a past idiom
Compact time and rogue tides immobilize man
If I wanted to have a more relax life, I'd choose to skip today's economic environment & heads to the hills and the rural corners of Earth
And, I will
I want to live a wholesome, stress-less life; not without stress but minimal
When Man clears forests and make cities out of them, Men is destroying the ecosystem that is balance and minimizes stress

I am suffering from knowledge overloads & at times, knowledge incontinence
The need to learn is overwhelm by the continuous floods of new knowledge
Specialization will be the survival kit
Jack of all trades will be a thing of the past; indepth knowledge sells
Knowing some or 'alittle' is dangerous
Many who get lost in the scurry fell into depressive thoughts

My years of knowledge need replenishment and be refreshed
What keep me alive and informed is my grit to learn, to acknowledge my weaknesses
I felt stress up 'many a time' not because I'm dumb but the lack of time to add fresh info
Trying to move up the information ladder is like climbing a slippery steep hill
Now, I have to accept my inadequacy; the finite time available
I am smart but I am not elastic nor an absorbant 
To remain sane and happy, I shall measure my capability and ability with time resources
I need not fulfill all wants
I am who I am

Friday, February 1, 2019

Enjoy Every Seconds Of Your Life

live a day, earns a day...活一天赚一天。。。

Living to the fullest everyday is the best proposition
Tomorrow is never promised
Why bother with tomorrows when you may or may not be around? Just be 潇洒
If you cannot do what you want today then there is no need to worry about tomorrow
Living in the current is living successfully
Worries are not solutions
Solutions, if available, need no worries

365days x 10years = 3,650 days x 7decades = 25,550days ; that's not many days indeed
Tick off rest & laze days, you'd probably have 12,000 days in 70 years (old) only
Many of us "worry dead" about things that we do not have instead of working towards crystalizing it
I am who I am...& no amount of gossips, innuendoes and judgement can dent me
The world loves a winner & winning is everything
I give my best, strive to achieve & lie low
Publicity and 'loud-mouth' announcements are not my cup of tea

Nowadays, people have tendencies to "say nice words, not necessarily real or truthful"
Maybe, that's why GOD's book says that a day will come when "man betrays man, family betrays family..."

My recent encounter in an Association:
What is scary is just because the Chief said "it is OK", nobody dared to express otherwise although, in private, many agreed that what was executed was wrong...blind obedience and loyalty is fatal

A real friend is one who tells you your faults and follies without fear, favor nor retribution
The moneyed, famous and powerful may see little to no resistance to their opinions & actions but an/any incidental fallouts will see everyone disappears overnight

Come whatever may & do whatever you want as our days are finite

I have been there, done that
I have little to nil regrets as most goals are achieved and/or achievable, with some misses
There is setback but victory is the sweetest revenge
Go with the flow 活在当下
When you breath the last breathe, the/your game stops

There is so much to do and achieve 
There is that little time to spend with your love ones
Enjoy the companionship of family members & true friends for someday...soon, the clock may cease
There is no luxury of time but you can optimize & compact time
Breathe the best & make living on Earth a "heavenly" experience

When you count your birthdays, few...very few reach three digits - >100
 Enjoy the currency of life


Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...