a little, a little light shall return...
It's darkest before daybreak
The sun shines & the moon reflects
Fire is a good servant but a bad master
There is light at the end of the tunnel
If it's sunshine everyday, chances are "it's a desert"
Any things in excess is bad
There is a need to strike a balance
But, what is enough? The world is getting poorer as the top 5% commands 85% of global wealth
The few politicians (% to population) dictate & control the lives of the others
Lives will never be the same
Equality is just another word
Why is the mass afraid of the few? Laws
Laws are crafted & enacted to restrict & contain the rights, freedom and choice of the commoners
Liberty is yet another word
"Looking like" is far from being real
You may look like Trump but you ain't President
You may look like Arnold Schwarzenegger but you're not Mr Olympia
You may look like Bill Gates but you don't have US$90bil with you
Be real, get real
真的假不了 假的真不了
Life's need not be a struggle
You need not live other's people dreams
Sticks and stones break bones, not words ... do not be cowed by other's tongues
Nobody bothers whether your are doing well, or worse, if you are struggling
Live by the sword and die by the sword
Animals kill for food in the animal kingdom
Whenever there is a territorial fight, once the loser surrenders, the winner stops attacking
Human kills for fun and attempts to wipe out his opponents
When you loss and are down, lie low
There is no hero; all heroes are in the annals
Mark your time, heal and rejevunate and wait until you are ready; then pounce
The power of success lies in the grit & patience
A little by a little, pains depart, recovery begins
Returning to glory is a long and tedious road
But, the taste of victory is sweetest when arrived unannounced
Like day and night, there is no misery; only darkness and light
Some day soon...I shall shine again
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Thursday, March 28, 2019
Friday, March 15, 2019
The Ego
struggling to be understood ...
The human strives to be recognized, gain fame, be wealthy & live in style
They bask in glory
But, life has no short of surprises
Some die young, some die after making a fortune, some didn't even touch their gains
Many chase their material needs and lost their immediate loves ones
“When his life was ruined, his family killed, his farm destroyed, Job knelt down on the ground and yelled up to the heavens, "Why god? Why me?" and the thundering voice of God answered, There's just something about you that pisses me off.” ― Stephen King, Storm of the Century
When wants become needs, the human ego swell and there is lack of Soul within
When the material things are taken away, the human feels hollow & void
Cherish what you have & treasure your dear ones where money can never buy
“The truth." Dumbledore sighed. "It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution.” ― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Truth is always painful
Sweet nothings is lovely
Many a person will speak 'nice words' , not real words
It's so pleasing and yet boost their ego
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
The world will not change unless you change
Everything starts with you & you can never change another person
The same solutions to an existing problem cannot solve it simply because it can't
Otherwise, it would still exists
Be the first mover, be the catalyst
It really doesn't matters if you are misunderstood
You do not live for someone else
Everyone is unique and if everyone's the same, the world will be a boring place
Add colors to you life and manifest your abilities
Some day, the world will come to you because you are different
The human strives to be recognized, gain fame, be wealthy & live in style
They bask in glory
But, life has no short of surprises
Some die young, some die after making a fortune, some didn't even touch their gains
Many chase their material needs and lost their immediate loves ones
“When his life was ruined, his family killed, his farm destroyed, Job knelt down on the ground and yelled up to the heavens, "Why god? Why me?" and the thundering voice of God answered, There's just something about you that pisses me off.” ― Stephen King, Storm of the Century
When wants become needs, the human ego swell and there is lack of Soul within
When the material things are taken away, the human feels hollow & void
Cherish what you have & treasure your dear ones where money can never buy
“The truth." Dumbledore sighed. "It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution.” ― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Truth is always painful
Sweet nothings is lovely
Many a person will speak 'nice words' , not real words
It's so pleasing and yet boost their ego
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
The world will not change unless you change
Everything starts with you & you can never change another person
The same solutions to an existing problem cannot solve it simply because it can't
Otherwise, it would still exists
Be the first mover, be the catalyst
It really doesn't matters if you are misunderstood
You do not live for someone else
Everyone is unique and if everyone's the same, the world will be a boring place
Add colors to you life and manifest your abilities
Some day, the world will come to you because you are different
We need money. We need hits. Hits bring money, money bring power, power bring fame, fame change the game.
Young Thug
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/young_thug_779961?src=t_fame
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/young_thug_779961?src=t_fame
We need money. We need hits. Hits bring money, money bring power, power bring fame, fame change the game.
Young Thug
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/young_thug_779961?src=t_fame
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/young_thug_779961?src=t_fame
We need money. We need hits. Hits bring money, money bring power, power bring fame, fame change the game.
Young Thug
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/fame
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/fame
We need money. We need hits. Hits bring money, money bring power, power bring fame, fame change the game.
Young Thug
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/young_thug_779961?src=t_fame
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/young_thug_779961?src=t_fame
Sunday, March 10, 2019
My Idle Mind
life's irony ...
Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness - Frank Tyge
I live and let live and enjoy everyone's company. There is no time to loss over rejections, indifference,
non-reply and ostracism. We do not live for others; we live with each other. Bricks and stones break bones, not words.
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life - Steve Jobs
Ignore those who ignores you. If he/she has no time for you then why should you even spare a seconds? The best time, even if left idle 发呆, is better utilize than on requited responses
Never apologize for what you feel. It's like saying sorry for being real - Lil Wayne
Being real may not be the best. This world is at best, unreal. Hypocrites reign & the world loves a winner and the Number 2 is always forgotten. When you have nothing better to say, say Nothing
Sometimes its better to be alone, no one can hurt you that way - Tinku Razoria
Alone is not lonely & there is peace, serenity and discovery of oneself. We came alone, naked and crying. When you return, you'd be alone, clothe but others shall be crying...
From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate - Socrates
Man relates to others but hates do not heal enmity. However, envy is worse that hatred. The toxic envy kills whereas hate bruise egos. The world will be a better place if envy is replaced by hate which is overridden by "care and share, plus loads of forgiveness"
I live and let live and enjoy everyone's company. There is no time to loss over rejections, indifference,
non-reply and ostracism. We do not live for others; we live with each other. Bricks and stones break bones, not words.
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life - Steve Jobs
Ignore those who ignores you. If he/she has no time for you then why should you even spare a seconds? The best time, even if left idle 发呆, is better utilize than on requited responses
Don't go looking for trouble - Aesop (c.620-560 BC)
Do not look for troubles or troubles will drown you. If there's nothing better to do, read a book, have a beer, mow the lawn or simply share a silent prayer. There are always others who are ready to pour their problems upon you
When you mind wonders, let it wonder - PK
Sometimes, you simply cannot concentrate nor keep still - a wondering mind must take flight. Give it ample space and the returning ideas will be manifested with the weight of gold
Thursday, March 7, 2019
Fight For Everything That Is Worthy
nothing comes on a silver platter unless ...
Even the richest need to look for food except theirs are easily available where money meets needs
We can crystalize our dreams by investing long term & ploughing resources into it instead of expending as we go along
There is a stark difference between need and wants
We need air, water, sunlight and shelter
We want...that's insatiable
I arrived naked & cried whilst the world laughs
I started life a pauper & there was no time to worry
Time was spent to earn, save and build up the tiny nest
Sheer hard work, no time to complaint & pure grit
Rewards were few but sufficient
There were no difficult days as every day was equally bad
埋头苦干 自造机会
The taste of victory were small but enriching
苦中作乐 were four simple characters not unlike "make hay while the sun shines"
But, nobody will ever know the pain when going through hell's oven unless you're in action
In life, you either fight to win or beg, borrow or steal to get it
Nobody will ever drop a tear for you - nobody
道 - the way of life
Do youour best and leave the rest
Between life and death, you can do whatever you want; swim the deepest ocean, climb the highest mountain, dive the highest waterfall, sight the steepest cliff
There is no constraints if you are not restrained
Be guided by a/your conscience
It's the fight in the dog, not the size of the dog
You cannot fly like an eagle, if you work with turkeys
Whatever - stay healthy
With health, every other thing is possible
No man's an island - you maybe born poor but don't die poor
From zero to zero is zero
You loss nothing trying; it can only be better
Eat to survive, work to live
Do not survive to eat (gluttony) nor live to work (slavery)
Be satisfied & work within your means
Our Life is not dictated by others & everyone loves a winner
想做人上人 苦在心中 乐在脸上
Eat well, sleep well & live simply
A simple life is a healthy life
Even the richest need to look for food except theirs are easily available where money meets needs
We can crystalize our dreams by investing long term & ploughing resources into it instead of expending as we go along
There is a stark difference between need and wants
We need air, water, sunlight and shelter
We want...that's insatiable
I arrived naked & cried whilst the world laughs
I started life a pauper & there was no time to worry
Time was spent to earn, save and build up the tiny nest
Sheer hard work, no time to complaint & pure grit
Rewards were few but sufficient
There were no difficult days as every day was equally bad
埋头苦干 自造机会
The taste of victory were small but enriching
苦中作乐 were four simple characters not unlike "make hay while the sun shines"
But, nobody will ever know the pain when going through hell's oven unless you're in action
In life, you either fight to win or beg, borrow or steal to get it
Nobody will ever drop a tear for you - nobody
道 - the way of life
Do youour best and leave the rest
Between life and death, you can do whatever you want; swim the deepest ocean, climb the highest mountain, dive the highest waterfall, sight the steepest cliff
There is no constraints if you are not restrained
Be guided by a/your conscience
It's the fight in the dog, not the size of the dog
You cannot fly like an eagle, if you work with turkeys
Whatever - stay healthy
With health, every other thing is possible
No man's an island - you maybe born poor but don't die poor
From zero to zero is zero
You loss nothing trying; it can only be better
Eat to survive, work to live
Do not survive to eat (gluttony) nor live to work (slavery)
Be satisfied & work within your means
Our Life is not dictated by others & everyone loves a winner
想做人上人 苦在心中 乐在脸上
Eat well, sleep well & live simply
A simple life is a healthy life
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