life's irony ...
Never apologize for what you feel. It's like saying sorry for being real - Lil Wayne
Being real may not be the best. This world is at best, unreal. Hypocrites reign & the world loves a winner and the Number 2 is always forgotten. When you have nothing better to say, say Nothing
Sometimes its better to be alone, no one can hurt you that way - Tinku Razoria
Alone is not lonely & there is peace, serenity and discovery of oneself. We came alone, naked and crying. When you return, you'd be alone, clothe but others shall be crying...
From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate - Socrates
Man relates to others but hates do not heal enmity. However, envy is worse that hatred. The toxic envy kills whereas hate bruise egos. The world will be a better place if envy is replaced by hate which is overridden by "care and share, plus loads of forgiveness"
Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness - Frank Tyge
I live and let live and enjoy everyone's company. There is no time to loss over rejections, indifference,
non-reply and ostracism. We do not live for others; we live with each other. Bricks and stones break bones, not words.
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life - Steve Jobs
Ignore those who ignores you. If he/she has no time for you then why should you even spare a seconds? The best time, even if left idle 发呆, is better utilize than on requited responses
Don't go looking for trouble - Aesop (c.620-560 BC)
Do not look for troubles or troubles will drown you. If there's nothing better to do, read a book, have a beer, mow the lawn or simply share a silent prayer. There are always others who are ready to pour their problems upon you
When you mind wonders, let it wonder - PK
Sometimes, you simply cannot concentrate nor keep still - a wondering mind must take flight. Give it ample space and the returning ideas will be manifested with the weight of gold
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