looking for the next break ...
Many workers, white and blue collars alike, work for their wages
They are satisfied with their next paycheques which put meals on the table and feel secure
The days where jobs aplenty and wages rise may be over
Apart from outsourcing, COVID has proven that even within the (large) countries mobility may beincapacited
Specialization & Laws of Comparative Advantage have cannibalized the whole (product) into parts
Cost savings have scattered production all over the world; in particular, China
While nobody owes you a living, but your country owes you an obligation as you serve your nation, contributes to nation building & pay taxes
Citizens first
Nonetheless, nobody is handicap except for their mind
The top is as handicap as he thinks he has the monopoly of ideas and is indispensable
The able-body person is equally handicap when he blames everyone else except himself for his 'misfortune'
Top handicapper: When you are given a job to be "the/my right-hand man" but you turn down the offer because you say you are "left" handed
Being born and dying is not a choice
Between born & death, you have all the choices
You may be born poor but do not die a pauper
Why did slavery and women being subservient lasted hundreds of years? It was a choice until otherwise
Why are most businesspersons & successful persons non-paperchasers? When one door closes, another opens
When all doors & windows are shut; break the glasses
路是人走出来的 条条大路通罗马
COVID has made it more difficult for many who still await their next pay cheques
Jobs disappeared as lifestyles & attitudes change
Create business opportunities & venture out - be your own entrepreneurial employee
Contract & temporary works are disguised self-employment
There is no need to stress out; wherever you work, your paycheque ceased once it closes down
Turbulence is here to stay for awhile
Covid, economic slowdown, military adventurism, natural calamities, human discords...including food shortages will all kill jobs opportunities
A new normal is born
If you are looking for a break like the good old days, chances are you will hit the wall
I have been an entrepreneurial employee since I began my career 30 years ago
I work on a minimum pay basis, if any, and split the earnings with my employers
不到虎穴 怎么得虎子
The world is your oyster
Go forth and conquer
You can achieve all that you want within your capabilities & means
Change with the tides but be steadfast & focus
Whatever shalt be yours, will be if you put in the efforts
Bad times don't last; stay safe, healthy but lie low
After the bad winds blow over, the ecosystems clear up
We are experiencing a major paradigm shift
The world is leveling down
Be there when things turn better
A new era shalt be born
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Monday, July 27, 2020
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Changing Moments
changing swiftly...
1H/2020 is gone & had changed the world almost completely in the ways we carry on our daily lives
The many impossibles were made possible & reality evolve with a new face
The future is a new normal
We need to change with the times and adapt in order to survive, then prosper
2020 is not a year to rush; stay fit and healthy & live long enough to enjoy when troubles passed
What's up post-Covid? Plentiful ...but let us start with the startlings
The calamities sweeping the globe from major floods, fires, locusts attacks to intentional military provocation (Thucydides Trap)
Logistics were hampered by Covid and much food were destroyed, not for lack of demand but lack of delivery/transportation and lockdown which immobilized distribution
The impact of floods would have destroyed vast amount of fruits, food/vegetables & meat
Agricultural and arable lands are decimated
Farmland and ranches are made unsuitable for animals breeding and husbandry
The food chain is broken
Recovery from Nature's wrath will take awhile
Any military adventures will kill Man & destroy mankind
WW3 is a war that will end all wars
Greed, power & fame do noting to save Mankind
The desire to dominate is a fool's choice; how will 400 years of western culture ever upend 6,000 years of Chinese civilization? Peaceful coexistence and cooperation will save all
Another bout of resurgence of Covid will wipe out half the population, not because of the virus but the added shortage of food (famine) aggravated by wars
You don't need a biblical reminder
It is Man versus Man
Capitalism, at its extreme, will result in wiping out Mankind as 'slaves fight lords" for survival
Will I survive? That's not important as surviving in a half-destroyed Earth isn't a walk in the park
The few Western warlords is trying to dominate
Rich or poor, powerful or also-runs, able or disable ...all shalt pass
Oftentimes, the handicap is less handicap than the able-bodied
With less to go around and more restraints, the new normal has arrived
Homes will be the new economic unit
Home study, eEducation, eSolutions, eCommerce, Zoom meetings, AppsBanking ...
Is Man going back to cave dwellings? Yes
Mankind will be nuked back to staying in caves
Bio-warfare, aka COVID, has immobilize everyone
A military conflict will 'bomb' us back to stone age
Haha, life is not so bleak
Multhus theory isn't wrong but the effect will be felt soon
Reverse-Darwinism is fast become a reality
When the bio-war is over, Man will regain humbleness and live happier
With eSolutions, more can be achieved with less resources
Change with the time...be patient
1H/2020 is gone & had changed the world almost completely in the ways we carry on our daily lives
The many impossibles were made possible & reality evolve with a new face
The future is a new normal
We need to change with the times and adapt in order to survive, then prosper
2020 is not a year to rush; stay fit and healthy & live long enough to enjoy when troubles passed
What's up post-Covid? Plentiful ...but let us start with the startlings
The calamities sweeping the globe from major floods, fires, locusts attacks to intentional military provocation (Thucydides Trap)
Logistics were hampered by Covid and much food were destroyed, not for lack of demand but lack of delivery/transportation and lockdown which immobilized distribution
The impact of floods would have destroyed vast amount of fruits, food/vegetables & meat
Agricultural and arable lands are decimated
Farmland and ranches are made unsuitable for animals breeding and husbandry
The food chain is broken
Recovery from Nature's wrath will take awhile
Any military adventures will kill Man & destroy mankind
WW3 is a war that will end all wars
Greed, power & fame do noting to save Mankind
The desire to dominate is a fool's choice; how will 400 years of western culture ever upend 6,000 years of Chinese civilization? Peaceful coexistence and cooperation will save all
Another bout of resurgence of Covid will wipe out half the population, not because of the virus but the added shortage of food (famine) aggravated by wars
You don't need a biblical reminder
It is Man versus Man
Capitalism, at its extreme, will result in wiping out Mankind as 'slaves fight lords" for survival
Will I survive? That's not important as surviving in a half-destroyed Earth isn't a walk in the park
The few Western warlords is trying to dominate
Rich or poor, powerful or also-runs, able or disable ...all shalt pass
Oftentimes, the handicap is less handicap than the able-bodied
With less to go around and more restraints, the new normal has arrived
Homes will be the new economic unit
Home study, eEducation, eSolutions, eCommerce, Zoom meetings, AppsBanking ...
Is Man going back to cave dwellings? Yes
Mankind will be nuked back to staying in caves
Bio-warfare, aka COVID, has immobilize everyone
A military conflict will 'bomb' us back to stone age
Haha, life is not so bleak
Multhus theory isn't wrong but the effect will be felt soon
Reverse-Darwinism is fast become a reality
When the bio-war is over, Man will regain humbleness and live happier
With eSolutions, more can be achieved with less resources
Change with the time...be patient
Monday, July 6, 2020
I Love My Country
walking into the sands of time...
Whether it is 1960s or 2020s, Nature wrath is no different
The difference is that Singapore had come a long way yet falling back into doldrums again due to failings within the system
Complacency, indifference and lost of the ground feel? Probably...all
Self-praise, self-denial, ownself check ownself, high horses & higher ivory tower add to the decays
SG may be without oil, minerals & resources but SG is strategically located between East & West and have a deep harbor port
Besides HR: we have the intellects & talents to develop and harness
SG was placed 2nd after Japan in Asia in the 1960s, not a fishing village as some try to distort
Count your blessings and care & share
Elitism is survivor of the fittest by disowning the less able, less capable, unable and poor
Can Society gel together with class divides? No...the rich cannot live in a sea of poor
Culture mesh together disparate people for a common destiny
Strong leadership is needed to see everyone through calamities and trying periods
Lead by example coupled with sacrifices move mountain
Selfishness, self-centredness and elitism destroy
There is no absolute right nor wrong
Darkness breaks into light
No sufferings last forever as no everlasting happiness lives indefinitely
道 is the harmony of Natural Order guided
by 阴阳
A healthy body may be punctuated by sickness as sickness seek harbor in the physique
A steady, calm & balanced mind overcomes varying external challenges
Whatever you ignore cannot affect you
The blue ocean has strong undercurrent
The blade of glass lives on & dance in the storm
A match stick can burn a forest
The cyclone leaves nothing intact in its path
The monk lives as happily as the king in his palace - its 生活 - 不是活生生的
Whether the country prospers, decays or remains in slums largely depend on the few leaders
Wars are fought and won by capable, determined leaders who are not influenced by self interests
For you, with you by us - this is leadership
For you, with you, by you - this is self-interests bathe with shams
Can we build a strong nation with care & share? YES
Politics may be less than clean but it must be respectable, honorable and gentlemanly
You want to win but win gentlemanly & the populace benefits as shams and scams are bad starters
Leave your name in history that future generations can read with pride
Love your country
Care & share with your citizens
Priority to the citizens and no "IFs" & no "BUTs" : citizens come first
Everyone needs only to fill the stomachs & fights for a cause & there is no need to 'self-destruct'
When tomorrow comes, life carries on
Death ; the leveler
Whether it is 1960s or 2020s, Nature wrath is no different
The difference is that Singapore had come a long way yet falling back into doldrums again due to failings within the system
Complacency, indifference and lost of the ground feel? Probably...all
Self-praise, self-denial, ownself check ownself, high horses & higher ivory tower add to the decays
SG may be without oil, minerals & resources but SG is strategically located between East & West and have a deep harbor port
Besides HR: we have the intellects & talents to develop and harness
SG was placed 2nd after Japan in Asia in the 1960s, not a fishing village as some try to distort
Count your blessings and care & share
Elitism is survivor of the fittest by disowning the less able, less capable, unable and poor
Can Society gel together with class divides? No...the rich cannot live in a sea of poor
Culture mesh together disparate people for a common destiny
Strong leadership is needed to see everyone through calamities and trying periods
Lead by example coupled with sacrifices move mountain
Selfishness, self-centredness and elitism destroy
There is no absolute right nor wrong
Darkness breaks into light
No sufferings last forever as no everlasting happiness lives indefinitely
道 is the harmony of Natural Order guided
by 阴阳
A healthy body may be punctuated by sickness as sickness seek harbor in the physique
A steady, calm & balanced mind overcomes varying external challenges
Whatever you ignore cannot affect you
The blue ocean has strong undercurrent
The blade of glass lives on & dance in the storm
A match stick can burn a forest
The cyclone leaves nothing intact in its path
The monk lives as happily as the king in his palace - its 生活 - 不是活生生的
Whether the country prospers, decays or remains in slums largely depend on the few leaders
Wars are fought and won by capable, determined leaders who are not influenced by self interests
For you, with you by us - this is leadership
For you, with you, by you - this is self-interests bathe with shams
Can we build a strong nation with care & share? YES
Politics may be less than clean but it must be respectable, honorable and gentlemanly
You want to win but win gentlemanly & the populace benefits as shams and scams are bad starters
Leave your name in history that future generations can read with pride
Love your country
Care & share with your citizens
Priority to the citizens and no "IFs" & no "BUTs" : citizens come first
Everyone needs only to fill the stomachs & fights for a cause & there is no need to 'self-destruct'
When tomorrow comes, life carries on
Death ; the leveler
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