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Thursday, July 23, 2020

Changing Moments

changing swiftly...

1H/2020 is gone & had changed the world almost completely in the ways we carry on our daily lives
The many impossibles were made possible & reality evolve with a new face
The future is a new normal
We need to change with the times and adapt in order to survive, then prosper
2020 is not a year to rush; stay fit and healthy & live long enough to enjoy when troubles passed

What's up post-Covid? Plentiful ...but let us start with the startlings
The calamities sweeping the globe from major floods, fires, locusts attacks to intentional military provocation (Thucydides Trap)
Logistics were hampered by Covid and much food were destroyed, not for lack of demand but lack of delivery/transportation and lockdown which immobilized distribution
The impact of floods would have destroyed vast amount of fruits, food/vegetables & meat
Agricultural and arable lands are decimated
Farmland and ranches are made unsuitable for animals breeding and husbandry

The food chain is broken

Recovery from Nature's wrath will take awhile
Any military adventures will kill Man & destroy mankind
WW3 is a war that will end all wars
Greed, power & fame do noting to save Mankind
The desire to dominate is a fool's choice; how will 400 years of western culture ever upend 6,000 years of Chinese civilization? Peaceful coexistence and cooperation will save all

Another bout of resurgence of Covid will wipe out half the population, not because of the virus but the added shortage of food (famine) aggravated by wars
You don't need a biblical reminder
It is Man versus Man
Capitalism, at its extreme, will result in wiping out Mankind as 'slaves fight lords" for survival
Will I survive? That's not important as surviving in a half-destroyed Earth isn't a walk in the park
The few Western warlords is trying to dominate

Rich or poor, powerful or also-runs, able or disable ...all shalt pass
Oftentimes, the handicap is less handicap than the able-bodied
With less to go around and more restraints, the new normal has arrived
Homes will be the new economic unit

Home study, eEducation, eSolutions, eCommerce, Zoom meetings, AppsBanking ...
Is Man going back to cave dwellings? Yes
Mankind will be nuked back to staying in caves
Bio-warfare, aka COVID, has immobilize everyone
A military conflict will 'bomb' us back to stone age

Haha, life is not so bleak

Multhus theory isn't wrong but the effect will be felt soon
Reverse-Darwinism is fast become a reality
When the bio-war is over, Man will regain humbleness and live happier
With eSolutions, more can be achieved with less resources
Change  with the patient

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