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Monday, August 24, 2020

Mortal World

 days are dated yet uncertain...

COVID has been most definitive in stopping everything in its way

Countries lockdown, planes grounded, people isolated & lock-in, businesses closed, people just dropped dead like flies if infected

The impossibles were all possible

If money can buy everything, it definitely didn't buy anti-COVID defence nor bribed it

Death the leveler & COVID is swift

Man fear illnesses & cancer is the leading cause of deaths but COVID instill fears & uncertainties

Man - the mortal 天助我也

Life is a comedy; you can try but you may not get the desired outcomes

When my day is due, I'd like to say:

I have lived to the fullest with some misses and many hits

I cried on arrival but I'm leaving with a smile

Whoever is here to send me off, we are squared-off & I left nothing behind nor owe anything except memories which will fade over time...if you still owe me, please pay to my NOKs

You need not worry where I am going as nobody returns to tell the truth

Maybe, there is NO Heaven or Hell & life on Earth is the most beautiful; made ugly, sad or chaotic only by human

I have been there, done that ...GoodByes are meant to be GOOD-byes

If there's an unlikely chance that we meet again, so be it but it's likely to be good times

I shall not say "See You" soon ...but Good Luck

Nobody knows when their time will be up

But, it better be an easy exit as that is a "no pains & all gains" expiration

Sufferings are payback time for your past 

With Covid, there is an increased probability of incidental deaths

No worries; if the world must end, it will will most of us

When Words Are Cheap, Life Becomes Valueless

 words are cheap ...

When the world relates to one another and helps the less able & less fortunate, blessings blossom

 Pains and sufferings ease as there are more to share and with abundance compassion, living is a breeze

Tough times don't last; tough people do

There are more to go around as the impact of hunger is minimize

Envy is worse than jealousy


Empty promises and misinformation, ingenuine truths, fakeries, lies ...are damaging

Everything starts innocently

When greed, selfishness, need for domination & fame and unrelentless demands creep in

Man self-destruct by destroying  fellow Men

The rich cannot live in a sea of poor

There will never be equality amongst Men but living & livelihoods can be less uneven 

The challenges of life is not in itself destructive but motivating

Familiarity breeds contempt & persistent lies turn a manageable ecosystem menancing

Implosion, like COVID, destroys all Men; creed or color does not differentiate

Tomorrow is never promised


 Long after Man is gone, Nature will reclaim & prosper

The ocean & mountains gonna be cleaner, flowers and fauna blooms

The air & atmosphere will be clearer and birds & animals roam free

Every living creatures has a role in Mother Earth; Man does  not enjoy monopoly nor sovereignty

No Man is superior in this crowded world


Animals have survival instincts but Man has lost the skillset by scheming & plotting

Man is living in false comfort & trusts as Man destroys men & nations fight against nations

Jailing the persons may not kill their thoughts but isn't it better to 'prosper thy neighbors'? Multhusian theory does not apply if there is sharing, however minimal 

Depriving the commoners of fair treatment & making them to eat out of your hands is against human freedom & dignity

Life may be cheap to the supposed lordship & aristocrats but without the commoners, peasants, workers, farmers, the food chain collapses

The deprived may "kill for you" but the sword cuts both ways; Indira Ghandi learnt the truth

Man will behaves like animals when survival is threatened

Share & share alike and enjoy peaceful coexistence

There is NO cheap life; every life is important



Friday, August 7, 2020

Crisis - Money & You

reliefs is a belief...

COVID, as a warning, is ahead of Death the leveler
Death is final; Covid put you through near death-like experiences
Repent & resist the need to dominate, conquer & grab
GOD is watching 人在做 天在看
The payback is logged within karma - it hits when you are at your weakest
Fame, fortune & power, like sunrise & sunset, rotate & there is no permanency

Humans must coexist harmoniously with Nature
Destruction of Nature without consideration to other lives & living creature is suicidal
Covid is a warning & Nature's method of cleaning & clearing Man from Mother Earth
This slight remission allows Man to rethink, retreat and repent
Nature is the Arbiter - Man has damaged & destroyed others & Nature is here to eliminate Man
Soon, very soon, Man will have to eat humble pie by Order of Mother Nature

Looking at the world of equities and commodities (current standing)

Index        52Weeks Hi/Lo    Latest
N225          24115/16358        22309
SSEC         3458/2646            3345
HSI            29174/21139        24542
DJIA          29568/18213        27386
S&P500     3393/2191            3349
Nasdaq      11108/6631        11108 
FTSE         7689/4898            6026

Oil          41.92
Brent      45.02
Gold       2077

Why is commodities prices and equities in the upswing despite global lockdowns and economic slowdown? Printing of (paper) money is the cause but a collapse of confidence, henceforth, currencies will throw the world into disarray and confusion. Opportunistic wars will cause commodities prices to rise

The flight to quality holdings and investable assets are as limited as the choices. It's August 7th, Friday.
There is likely to be a shortage of  food, consumerbles, logistics medical services & medical products. Buying into soft commodities will beat gold (at current level)
In recession, at worst depression, the world levels down
Smart money cannot find save haven in a 'sabre rattling' atmosphere
The lost of confidence in paper money/values will kill global business
In the next crisis-to-be, you may not even be allowed to take money out from your bank accounts
Or, at least, it will be very difficult
Stay calm, stay safe
When order returns, life will be easier...

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Survival - The Compassionate Man

augurs de la oddities ...

August came fast & furious with changes in the flick of the thumb
COVID remains invasive and disruptive
Countries open & closed swiftly when Covid invades & spread
No where is safe nor immunized against the virus
Nature's wrath knows no bounds & the world's gonna be cleaner after Her 'clean-up'

It is not for Man to decide how many can inhibit Earth
7bil is too much but 3bil is equally chaotic if Man kills Man to dominate & enslave
There is abundance to share ...if only they care to share
The rich cannot live in a sea of poors
GOD...if there is - will leave Man to self-destruct

Currency was created to ease exchange instead of bartering
The store of value, exchangeability, stability, convenience & 'fair value' were underlying principles
All shall be destroyed by greed & further aggravated by credit creation
Printing money...paper-money shalt soon become paper again
Where trusts & faiths evaporate, anarchy rises

Thucydide's trap is clearly Man's folly

When lies & fakes become the new normal
Distrusts breed contempts
When family plots & kills one another, social disorders creep in
When money buys respect, life becomes cheap
The naked emperor is always handsome yet pretty

Why wouldn't Man 'care & share'? When life gets too good, they are tempted to push the frontiers
Know your limits when treating others
When you are intrusive & overpowering, expect equally hefty reactions
Within yourself you can push your limits to break new grounds like doing the 100m dash at under 9s
Compassion, conscience & dedication make the world more livable

How do you survive a disorderly world? Compassion
The less you react, the more it deflect
Good begets good & every good act deserves another
When the neighborhood is good, locks are redundant
Have you ever wonder why 7/11 still needs lock although it opens 24/7? Trust is lacking

The good old kampong lives where doors were seldom locked & everyone knows everyone else is over

Mother Nature is teaching everyone a lesson & karma dishes out the same menu

Unless, many more start to learn and practice compassion, forgive & share, the Mother Earth cannot revover
There is no monopoly of ideas nor domination of Man & Mankind
Someday, the weak will rebel; hunger is a catalyst
Kindness must not be seen as weakness & restraints is no cowardice
Death is the leveler

After the next washout, peace, prosperity and equality returns
Who will have the last laughs? GOD & his faithful, compassionate Man


Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...