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Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Survival - The Compassionate Man

augurs de la oddities ...

August came fast & furious with changes in the flick of the thumb
COVID remains invasive and disruptive
Countries open & closed swiftly when Covid invades & spread
No where is safe nor immunized against the virus
Nature's wrath knows no bounds & the world's gonna be cleaner after Her 'clean-up'

It is not for Man to decide how many can inhibit Earth
7bil is too much but 3bil is equally chaotic if Man kills Man to dominate & enslave
There is abundance to share ...if only they care to share
The rich cannot live in a sea of poors
GOD...if there is - will leave Man to self-destruct

Currency was created to ease exchange instead of bartering
The store of value, exchangeability, stability, convenience & 'fair value' were underlying principles
All shall be destroyed by greed & further aggravated by credit creation
Printing money...paper-money shalt soon become paper again
Where trusts & faiths evaporate, anarchy rises

Thucydide's trap is clearly Man's folly

When lies & fakes become the new normal
Distrusts breed contempts
When family plots & kills one another, social disorders creep in
When money buys respect, life becomes cheap
The naked emperor is always handsome yet pretty

Why wouldn't Man 'care & share'? When life gets too good, they are tempted to push the frontiers
Know your limits when treating others
When you are intrusive & overpowering, expect equally hefty reactions
Within yourself you can push your limits to break new grounds like doing the 100m dash at under 9s
Compassion, conscience & dedication make the world more livable

How do you survive a disorderly world? Compassion
The less you react, the more it deflect
Good begets good & every good act deserves another
When the neighborhood is good, locks are redundant
Have you ever wonder why 7/11 still needs lock although it opens 24/7? Trust is lacking

The good old kampong lives where doors were seldom locked & everyone knows everyone else is over

Mother Nature is teaching everyone a lesson & karma dishes out the same menu

Unless, many more start to learn and practice compassion, forgive & share, the Mother Earth cannot revover
There is no monopoly of ideas nor domination of Man & Mankind
Someday, the weak will rebel; hunger is a catalyst
Kindness must not be seen as weakness & restraints is no cowardice
Death is the leveler

After the next washout, peace, prosperity and equality returns
Who will have the last laughs? GOD & his faithful, compassionate Man


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