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Monday, October 12, 2020

The Future Is Bright

 the future is fog...

Life is as uncertain as ever & nothing's clear

Covid, trade wars, sabre-rattling & military gamesmanship, greed, misinformation, anger, fear & fear mongering, ignorance, apathy

Every new cycle in life gets more dynamic and dramatic

The crowded Earth makes matters worse

Why must US go around destroying other countries like Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan & create storms in SCSeas? Their banditry must stop

British, Portugal, France...western powers are all the same - conquer, loot, 'scorched the Earth' strategy & retreat

The ports in Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines ...were returned to local administrations  

Asia, after the year 2000, became ruled by Asians as Macau returned to China - the 21st Century is the Asian Century

October - the last quarter of the year where more changes are expected; for the better or worse

2020 will go into history as the year that the world's businesses stopped & the people quarantined

Many "IMPOSSIBLEs" became possible - countries locked down, planes were grounded/clipped, people were quarantined, commerce stalled, eCommerce & teleconferencing flourished, Mother Earth gained a breather

F&Bs, travels, hotels, airlines, cruises, hospitality services - were decimated whilst non-essential & non-urgent medical treatments were shelved

The world needs to slow down and fend for each other instead of fight against each other

Together there will be more to share

Divided, the house of cards will collapse


Where have the brains and logic of politicians gone? Law of Comparative Advantage & Law of Competitive Advantage are thrown into the dumps

Well. well...the greed & ignorance of politicians & the wealthy will cause anarchy

The island of rich cannot live in a continent of poors

Poverty is not caused by wealth creation but wealth hoarding; there is enough to go around if everyone shares 

What does the future holds? Plentiful & positive

If the rich hoards wealth & hunger prevails to all and sundries, there will be rebellion for want of survival; the need to eat to survive

If there are compassion & care, the world will be a happier place to live

Everyone knows "from dusts to dusts"; you came naked & shalt return naked...& alone

Either you care & share or the deprived will fight to survive; the former is less likely

After destruction, it's reconstruction ...& only the finer Souls will survive

What will destroy half the world's population? Not Covid but an accidental war that escalate into nukes exchange - a war to end all wars

I'm not bleak nor negative but ultimately 该来的已经在路上 there is no cure for stupidity

2020 will close with a blip - uneventful - if only we survive

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