be calm, calculated and averse to taking risks...
Going forward into the NY2021 is as uncertain as the years past
C19 mutates; SARS disappeared as fast as it appeared but C19 looked set to manifest
Newly created vaccines may help defend the human body against C19 but, with mutation, its effectiveness is as doubtful as their discovery
C19 is here to stay; it is not unlike flu & common cold but a tad deadlier
There is an urgent need to avoid unnecessary gatherings, embrace a Faith, spend more time with your loved ones... slow down a little as we are all walking towards the end
Death is a final parting without recourse
The world of finance is bloated with paper warranties aka currencies, cryptos, derivatives, Govt promises/IOUs and ...confidence based on trust & hopes
The onslaught of papers will kill confidence sooner than a flip
Gold; the trusted base metal shall return together with soft commodities whose shortages will be sorely reflected in the punctured values of currencies
The inflated values of capital markets will be wiped out by an/any accidental military conflicts - the smoking gun turned fatal as trust & confidence dissipate between Nations
When bullets fly, the final death nail is knocked in
Man's existence is guaranteed but the quality of life isn't especially when Nukes fly
After destruction, it is reconstruction
Contrary to what had been reported, Singapore is a tiny island blessed with an 'on-balance' time-zone and a natural deep harbor port
Trading & entrepot is our natural skills (sets) - the bridge between timezones and buyers/sellers
Our people have proven to be able to harness brain & brawn to build a First World Nation but it was watered down by the massive import of lower quality, less desired, unskilled & uncommitted emigrants
You cannot buy loyalty, commitment & citizens
Our social fibres were built & harnessed in school days, army comradeship, UNIs, workplaces - like the furnace where swords are made - not unlike during the Japanese Occupation
Economics 101 is against adding labor, especially cheap, unskilled & fake-quality labors
The day Singapore positioned Singaporeans First again, will be the resurrection of the able & capable, true-blue Singaporeans & heads will be held high by ALL again, not the selected few
There are no fools but willing & 'saleable' souls; a drumstick for a chicken
Like sunrise and sunset, Nations rise and fall
The earlier that "We, the citizens of Singapore...." restore the acts in the Pledge, the earlier Singapore & Singaporeans shall rise & shine again
COVID aside, there is No SOPs that provide solutions to all problems but TRUST cannot be missing in the journey into the future
Do you know that squirrels will collect and take their food to their burrows & not appear until after they have finished eating or food runs out? This is the temporary citizens mindsetThey will not fight nor die with you but keeps all that they can harvest, collect & use
When in need, you are there for them; worse if they are graded one rung above true-blue Singaporeans
I am not against foreigners nor xenophobic but numbers alone are not solutions to TFR-problems
History have shown that, unless & until, you care for your own (people), no Nation progresses
We CAN & we will... rise again
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