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Sunday, April 25, 2021

Eclipse Of The Mind & Markets

 the mind is more fluid than water...

I have read, studied & investigated the correlation of eclipses with stockmarkets movements since the late 1980s

I can 'safely say' there is a high correlation especially during total eclipses

Eclipses are harbingers of change — they usher in evolution

Two to four weeks towards & nearer the total eclipse, the markets react with maximum impact either way

Lunar eclipses occur when Earth's shadow blocks the sun's light, which otherwise reflects off the moon. There are three types — total, partial and penumbral — with the most dramatic being a total lunar eclipse, in which Earth's shadow completely covers the moon

A solar eclipse occurs when the moon gets between Earth and the sun, and the moon casts a shadow over Earth. A solar eclipse can only take place at the phase of new moon, when the moon passes directly between the sun and Earth and its shadows fall upon Earth's surface

Lunar Eclipse 2021

26th May - Total Lunar Eclipse 

19th November - Partial Lunar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse 2021

10th June - Annular Solar Eclipse

4th December - Total Solar Eclipse

A Man's mind bend with his bodily emotional clock; in a lunar eclipse, the bodily fluid doesn't move

Hence, the man gets an enhance & more volatile feeling

In moments of Solar eclipses, there is incremental, positive feelings

Let me speculate that stockmarkets will spin with a downward-bias towards the onset of Total Lunar Eclipse on 26th May, 2021 - watch out

The human mind is fluid like water but when the "mind is made", like ice, it's definitive

It is not unlike the scorn woman who will not forgive or another who had decided to leave her abusive husband or the reformed vagabond who refused to be drawn back to drugs & gangsterism

It is equally hard to turn over a new leaf or to change a career

However, an eclipse of the mind makes the impossibles, possible

So...knows when to speak & ask for favors

In psychology, many things are trainable or prove to follow a certain pattern

It's a reflex actions like Pavlov's ringing of the bell & the dog salivate 

Babies learnt from young that if they cry, they get  attention and food 

Manipulative women know men's weaknesses when they act weak, gentle, submissive and meek

Hitler and the Japanese Imperial forces exercised their superiority complex single-handedly & coaxed their forces to victories & almost conquered their respective regions permanently

Our mind is the single most powerful instrument

Have it, use it, mine it the fullest & claim your desired results

Like the cosmic forces, only an eclipse can change the direction





Thursday, April 15, 2021

The Winning Feelings Of A Loser

uncertainties are real ...

Feeling lost is a temporary phenomenon & do not loss hope

Some days the mind is simply congested to blank; an incontinent brain, perhaps

Stop thinking & walk away - a long listless walk in the woods works wonders

Some clogs loosen up & flows if the muscles are allow to stretch 

Freeing up the mind is the first step towards better & healthier living

Uncertainties are, at times, opportunities in disguise

He who survives best when the situation is worst, returns victorious

Nobody is a born loser 

Our life is finite and time will outlive all Humans

Spend time constructively & productively  

Do not waste time with people who are quarrelsome, picky & bitchy nor engage in endless gossips  

Grow with the positively 'right' groups & do not wallow in self pity 

Nobody owes you a living and GOD helps those who helps themself

“I would like to encourage people to not be afraid, try everything once" - Yip Pin Xiu, Singapore's gold medalist & paralympian 

Dead man tells no tales & neither can he try anything; the fear to loss is a confirmed loser

The smart & wise do not get into unnecessary entanglements

休息是为了走更长的路  放不下是因为还抗得起

When you lost in kind, you gain in experiences

Need not share your miseries with many/any as most will not be good listeners nor are willing to hear

Take a few deep breaths, relax the mind, find comfort & salvation in Prayers - have quiet moments

Alone is not loneliness 

When you are more composed & relieved, an adrenaline-charged mind works wonders

We are all made unique & each has a role - the future is ours to conquer

This world will always be unequal & the earlier that you accept this fact the earlier you get a peace of mind & live happily


Who will help me when I'm down? ME, Myself!

If I don't get up, whatever help comes wouldn't work

I have many misses & a few hits but never forget the experiences

It's during my worst days that I know who are my friends & mere acquaintances

No lost love nor regrets after selective dissociation 拉黑

When I make it, I will treat all as equal

They will be my friends, lesser friends & "hello-goodbye" friends

By the time I am due to return to my Maker, I'd have lived "heavenly on Earth"

Unlike many, I am skeptical of the preaching of the "existence of Heaven & Hell"

If Heaven is so good, then why are you here - go, go now

If you are living in hell or hellishly on Earth, so yours going to Hell upon your passing could be a relieve

Make the best of today & now

The winner is one who makes all things possible by extending his 'last' breathe & continues living

Don't believe? Ask the dead for an answer



Monday, April 5, 2021

When The Door Closes, Another Opens

 there is always hope..

It's always darkest before dawn 黎明之前是最黑暗的

Nothing is permanent; water becomes ice, ice turns into water - water heats up & evaporate and drop as rain

Life's cyclical

Sadness, happiness, bitterness, sweetness ...are passing emotions

Be calm, stay collected & do not act hastily - there is hope

The world is perfect with different mix of people

So long as everyone looks out for one another & "care & share", sufferings shalt minimize

There are enough to go around for all if the greedy rich do not hoard & prey on the poor 

When one door closes, another opens but are you ready, prepared and able to grab when an opportunity presents? Blessings are always around

Do not despair

There are friends, fiends & acquitance

Be mindful who you trust

拉黑 Avoid those who are are sinister, calculative, scheming & harbor questionable motives

Only spend your time with those who sincerely "cares & shares"; every iota of help eases sufferings

When you have doubts, seek to clear but do not panic

Worry do not solve problems; there are solutions to every problems 人在事在

Stay healthy for no money can buy you health nor can money employ anyone able to suffer on-your-behalf

Health add-ons: Train yourself, take up a sports, go for brisk walks - walk more, eat moderately, sleep enough

When you are ill, the medical bill kills faster than the illness

Recovery takes time & be extremely patient 

Refrain against rash acts as time is needed to overcome all challenges


Whatever happens, time is the baseline

All shalt pass as night becomes day and the four seasons change

Adopt, adapt and acclimatize ; get used to it

Post-COVID will be a new normal

If you remain, time will pass you by

April Is No Fool

 the way forward is unknown...

Nature never set boundaries nor impossibilities

Humans are highly susceptible to self-doubts

COVID is a life lesson on all possibilities

Dictators, bullies, naysayers, elitists ...always thumb-down & talk-down the less able, weaker & less fortunate to drown them in the sea of impossibilities

When you are beaten without a fight, you are no more 'a competitor'

There are no fools 

When push comes to shove, even the meek fights back...viciously at times.

A lost mind is mindlessly frightful 

There is always a solution in any problems 

Man is lost because he looks deep into the problem instead of looking for solutions

The fool wonders & the wise ask

Do not immerse into negativity - we are made for unique roles 做好本分

Good days are always here & bad days are not mind crippling - bad days are, but a "passing"

Gossips are woman 'past times' while foolishness are man's baseline

Mostly, successes & ego get into the/your head & cloud judgement 

The fools go to war to gain dominance

But, the wise keeps the peace & prosper

A quarter of 2021 is gone and what have you achieved? Time and tides wait for no man & energy is best spent to ease in the future

Be prepared & ready as luck is where preparations meet opportunity

Whatever is yours shall be yours & none will come your way if it wasn't meant to be

All families' members grow up differently & lead different paths to successes

No two person are the same just as two leaves are moulded differently

Happiness comes from accepting whatever is dish out to you - 知足常乐

When you take advantage of others, it's not "nobody knows" but you gain by trickery & like a fish "you bite the bait" ...soon, you will land high & dry on land

Life's funny when rewards return; some paybacks are more costly

Do your bit to lighten another's misery or misfortune 

A trickling of compassion & care go a long way to heal the injured mind

There are no fools on judgement day

GOD bless All with wisdom 



Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...