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Monday, April 5, 2021

When The Door Closes, Another Opens

 there is always hope..

It's always darkest before dawn 黎明之前是最黑暗的

Nothing is permanent; water becomes ice, ice turns into water - water heats up & evaporate and drop as rain

Life's cyclical

Sadness, happiness, bitterness, sweetness ...are passing emotions

Be calm, stay collected & do not act hastily - there is hope

The world is perfect with different mix of people

So long as everyone looks out for one another & "care & share", sufferings shalt minimize

There are enough to go around for all if the greedy rich do not hoard & prey on the poor 

When one door closes, another opens but are you ready, prepared and able to grab when an opportunity presents? Blessings are always around

Do not despair

There are friends, fiends & acquitance

Be mindful who you trust

拉黑 Avoid those who are are sinister, calculative, scheming & harbor questionable motives

Only spend your time with those who sincerely "cares & shares"; every iota of help eases sufferings

When you have doubts, seek to clear but do not panic

Worry do not solve problems; there are solutions to every problems 人在事在

Stay healthy for no money can buy you health nor can money employ anyone able to suffer on-your-behalf

Health add-ons: Train yourself, take up a sports, go for brisk walks - walk more, eat moderately, sleep enough

When you are ill, the medical bill kills faster than the illness

Recovery takes time & be extremely patient 

Refrain against rash acts as time is needed to overcome all challenges


Whatever happens, time is the baseline

All shalt pass as night becomes day and the four seasons change

Adopt, adapt and acclimatize ; get used to it

Post-COVID will be a new normal

If you remain, time will pass you by

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