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Thursday, June 23, 2022

The Prepared Person Will Win

retreat to find the right path ahead...

At your worst, everything surfaces; whether you are able to fight the challenges or just a weakling

You truly know who are friends or foes & acquaintances aplenty

The best thing to happen is you can't go any lower, short of being dead 活生生的 就是还有气 死不了

From the ashes, rise the phoenix

When you first enter the working career, you hardly know what you bargained for nor gonna get - dreams and realities are fleeting

No amount of planning, without execution, can get you anywhere

When you aren't concern about losing anymore, nothing matters & all obstacles collapse - it's a free way ahead

Losing face, losing money, losing status, losing your dearest ...any fear of loss will paralyse you


When you first started your journey, you were not afraid but as you gather successes, fears build - the fear of losing & being beaten to completely

Remember : from zero to zero - you loss nothing

If you don't do stupid things when you are young, you have no stories to tell when you are old

Stupid things are NOT foolish things; they're just things that you genuinely believe are harmless, achievable, good, non destructive and will lead to your goals

You are as alive as you're breathing - you don't know when your clock stops

No matter how far you have gone, whatever achieved through scheming, tricks, scams & ill-will will disappear when Karma knocks

So long as you are prepared for the consequences, go ahead - who dares win

But, GOD, through Karma, is the arbiter

Have faith in the AlMighty - whichever religions you had chosen & whoever you believed in

Do not hurt those closest to, or trust, you - their revenges or the consequences are impactful

The beginning of life is almost always virtuous, bathe with innocence - a blank piece of paper to be filled

You can be the most virtuous person, the most scandalous clown, the charitable & caring leader or ... anything

Happiness is not about the accumulation of wealth, fame, power or influences - it's all in the mind

The eggs that break from within, grows

The eggs that breaks from the outside, ends

Have grace, be modest & humble, care & share and the rewards are a peaceful mind and pleasant, warmth personality - someone that may look up to

You may be born poor but don't die a pauper

Change and the world changes with you

Post-COVID ecosystem is dynamic, erratic and unpredictable

For those who are prepared, LUCK is where preparation meets opportunity - success is a stone throw away

Going forward, anything that is seemingly rewarding and promising must be closely examined, avoided if necessary - there are no free meals 

Greed kills the ambitious while selfishness kills the self-entitled

Let your mind flow within the essence of GOD's paths & avoid any extremes

The good will win ...ultimately

I am not a defeatist but I am cautiously optimistic 

I come alone and shalt return alone in glory

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